avillafiorita / jekyll-datapage_gen

Generate one page per yaml record in Jekyll sites.
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Nested layouts treat first layout as the page #127

Open kslstn opened 10 months ago

kslstn commented 10 months ago

I love the flexibility this plugin offers and I hope I can use it for our website!

One real problem I found so far though. Our layouts are nested, roughly something like:

Page, contains layout: specific /_layouts/specific.html: contains layout: general and show_banner: false /_layouts/general.html

In general.html we check frontmatter properties from the specific layout like {% unless layout.show_banner == false %}.

With pages that are created by the data page generator, such a check no longer works. However, I can access the value via page.show_banner! The workaround would be to update the various levels of nesting with the properties in the layout we're using for the data-generated pages. Then the check would be % unless layout.show_banner == false or page.show_banner == false %}.

As I'm not looking forward to adding that extra check, I'm wondering, is this behavior intentional and reliable? is this perhaps just how Jekyll works, like "the highest level must be a page, even if there's no file for it"?