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Feat: comment on pr yml file #335

Open Abhinavcode13 opened 1 year ago

Abhinavcode13 commented 1 year ago

Describe the feature

Adding the yml for it.

Explain Intentions: Use comments to provide context and explain the intentions behind the changes made in the YAML file. Clarify why certain configurations or steps are necessary and how they relate to the overall CI/CD pipeline or application functionality.

Highlight Changes: If the changes in the PR specifically target the YAML file, use comments to draw attention to those modifications. Point out which lines or sections have been added, modified, or removed to make it easier for reviewers to identify and focus on the relevant changes.

Address Reviewer Questions: If a reviewer raises questions or requests clarification about certain aspects of the YAML file, respond to their comments directly in the YAML file. Provide clear explanations, examples, or references to relevant documentation to address their concerns.

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avinashkranjan commented 1 year ago

Go Ahead @Abhinavcode13