avinashresearch1 / CompHENS.jl

Computational Tools for Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis
MIT License
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Infeasible Stream Match Generation #66

Open kangqiu opened 1 year ago

kangqiu commented 1 year ago

The network generation subproblem is infeasible:

# Workflow using XLSX input:
# 1. Import necessary packages:
@time using CompHENS

using Plots
using JuMP
using HiGHS
using Test

using BARON
using XLSX
using DataFrames

# 2. Specify path to xlsx file
file_path_xlsx = joinpath(@__DIR__, "CompHENS_interface_KangLiu_Period1.xlsx")
prob = ClassicHENSProblem(file_path_xlsx; ΔT_min = 10, verbose = true)
@time solve_minimum_utilities_subproblem!(prob; verbose = true)

@time solve_minimum_units_subproblem!(prob; verbose = true)

EMAT = 2.5
prob.results_dict[:add_units] = 1

@time generate_stream_matches!(prob, EMAT; digits = 8, verbose = true)

# Network generation:
# Specify which superstructure to use for each stream
# Default is below: 
overall_network = construct_superstructure(prob.all_names, FloudasCiricGrossmann(), prob)
obj_func = CostScaledPaterson()
base_cost, cost_coeff, scaling_coeff =  8333.3,  641.7, 1

optimizer = optimizer_with_attributes(BARON.Optimizer, "MaxTime" => -1, "AbsConFeasTol" => 1)
results_df = generate_network!(prob, EMAT; optimizer = optimizer, obj_func = obj_func, verbose = true, cost_coeff = cost_coeff, scaling_coeff = scaling_coeff, base_cost = base_cost, save_model = true)


avinashresearch1 commented 1 year ago

AFAIK it looks like this is solved by a mix of increasing the AbsConFeasTol to be slightly higher and making the fix of #67

avinashresearch1 commented 1 year ago

@kangqiu Has this been resolved, can we close?