avinassh / rockstar

Makes you a Rockstar C++ Programmer in 2 minutes
MIT License
4.18k stars 284 forks source link

Why #32

Open ejcer opened 9 years ago

ejcer commented 9 years ago


koustuvsinha commented 9 years ago

I don't understand the goal of this repo. Is it to fake your Github contributions profile to bag jobs? it will become apparent once you join the job that you dont know nothing! Sorry to rant out here

mkzh commented 9 years ago

That's the joke!

Dineshs91 commented 9 years ago

This project just attracts wrong kind of people.

avinassh commented 9 years ago

@Dineshs91 how is that? please elaborate

Dineshs91 commented 9 years ago

@avinassh I fail to see the application/purpose of this project. Github contributions streak, can be a very good motivation for people to contribute to open source. I am just worried that, now there will be more fake contributions out there.

avinassh commented 9 years ago


koustuvsinha commented 9 years ago

:+1: @Dineshs91 exactly my concern

fent commented 9 years ago

LEWWWWWWWWL yes let's all ruin our github stats so these annnnoooying recruiters dunt know who to contact hehe le epic

this is why I stopped using things like foursquare and fitbit. who cares about stats nowadays right xD xDD

ohnx commented 9 years ago

Pretty sure this repo is a joke from /r/shittyprogramming on reddit, so I doubt it's very serious...

ejcer commented 9 years ago

oh actually I was ranting about something completely unrelated lool

raglandba commented 9 years ago

.... I have laid eyes on the most horrid project of all time.

fent commented 9 years ago

you don't get it maaaan

it's ironic. think of the upvotes.

duaneking commented 9 years ago

Who is the rockstar.. the guy who runs this or the guy who adds a bunch of languages to its examples? ;)

If you can understand what this does and add new languages to its examples, you are probably the rock star people want to hire.. otherwise just running this isn't what makes you a rock star. ;)

joni2back commented 9 years ago

hi !! lol there are a way to generate random-day commits for example in a 400 range days (not consecutive) ??

avinassh commented 9 years ago

@joni2back currently random day commits are not possible. However you can specify days_off and on those days commits won't be made.


from rockstar import RockStar

rock_it_bro = RockStar(days=300, days_off=['sunday'])

EDIT: After #80, it is now possible.

sumanthneerumalla commented 9 years ago

This whole project makes me question the ethics and potential sleaziness of its use cases but it sounds like something I can finally contribute to considering my current lack of experience in out of class programming projects

givanse commented 8 years ago

Guys, this is purely about fun! Causes no harm. Anyone looking at a 3k commits history will ask:

What have you built recently?

You can't lie on that. Or, I guess you can, but you'll get caught very quickly.

ohnx commented 8 years ago

Do companies actually look at how many open-source contributions you make when hiring you?

fent commented 8 years ago

Thanks to this tool I was hired! All of my repos in my profile are actually fake! Hahahha

givanse commented 8 years ago

@ohnx How many is not as important as quality or type of contribution. Fixing typos in 100 repos won't be as valuable as adding a new feature to a 3rd party project.

For sure, top companies will checkout your Github profile and dig into it. Raw numbers don't fool anyone.

jasongraff commented 7 years ago

Recruiters in my area are still wanting more ninjas than rockstars. Maybe someone could add a patch to transform to ninja?

akgerber commented 7 years ago


Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid

duaneking commented 6 years ago

The point of this repro/project is simple: To show how worthless the graph of commit history on github is in judging somebodies skill... And that why I contributed so many languages to it.

bateller commented 5 years ago

The point of this repro/project is simple: To show how worthless the graph of commit history on github is in judging somebodies skill... And that why I contributed so many languages to it.

Thank you. This is my exact issue with Github Contributions anyway. Anyone that "matters" knows to ask for actual code, will talk to you about your projects, etc. It seems recruiters are the main ones to push Github contributions.