avinetworks / avi-helm-charts

Avi Networks Helm Charts
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Does anyone use ako integration with Rancher , I found some error how to fix it ? #168

Open halinwu opened 2 years ago

halinwu commented 2 years ago

hello,experts. follow rancher guide I use helm deployed rancher at TKGs K8s Cluster, pls refer to command line. helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher --version 2.5.9 --namespace cattle-system --set hostname={FQDN Name} --set replicas=1 ingress.tls.source=secret --set privateCA=true --set bootstrapPassword={Password} I find the pod/Service/Ingress is running , pls refer to the pic rancher-resauces

but I couldn't asscess the URL, I check the ingress and got the error message. pls help me to fixed the issue. thanks a lot ingress-error