avivace / dotfiles

i3 + Plasma: using the i3 window manager on the top of KDE Plasma and other dotfiles, configurations, scripts, workarounds and practises from my Debian Sid machines.
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Just seeing gray screen #25

Closed wonjoonSeol closed 5 years ago

wonjoonSeol commented 5 years ago

err Screenshot doesn't show i3 bottom bar but it is there.

Fresh Installed Manjaro with KDE: _OS: Manjaro Linux x8664 Kernel: 4.19.60-1-MANJARO Packages: 1101 (pacman) Shell: zsh 5.7.1 Resolution: 2560x1440 DE: KDE Theme: Breath [KDE], Breath [GTK2/3] Terminal: konsole Terminal Font: Noto Mono 10 CPU: Intel i7-6700K (8) @ 4.200GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Memory: 1351MiB / 15978MiB

i3-gaps window just appear gray like shown in the picture. If I set floating windows it shows correctly but rest simply does not appear.

Steps I have done:

  1. In i3/config:
    ## Plasma Integration
    # Try to kill the wallpaper set by Plasma (it takes up the entire workspace and hides everythiing)
    exec --no-startup-id wmctrl -c Plasma
    for_window [title="Desktop — Plasma"] kill, floating enable, border none

Avoid tiling popups, dropdown windows from plasma

for the first time, manually resize them, i3 will remember the setting for floating windows

for_window [class="plasmashell"] floating enable for_window [class="Plasma"] floating enable, border none for_window [title="plasma-desktop"] floating enable, border none for_window [title="win7"] floating enable, border none for_window [class="krunner"] floating enable, border none for_window [class="Kmix"] floating enable, border none for_window [class="Klipper"] floating enable, border none for_window [class="Plasmoidviewer"] floating enable, border none

2. wm.sh

export KDEWM=/usr/local/bin/i3 compton & --config ~/.config/compton/compton.conf (Tried without this as well)

3. compton.conf: Everything. But in particular I tried:
backend = "glx", "xrender"
vsync on and off.

4. Killing desktop 
`i3-msg "exec --no-startup-id wmctrl -c Plasma for_window [title="Desktop - Plasma"] kill; floating enable; border none"`
No difference, still gray.

Opening any new programs shows in the KDE top bar but shows nothing on screen.

Any advice would be appreciated.
avivace commented 5 years ago

This is probably a plasma panel or the splash not getting killed. Some suggestions and things to try:

wonjoonSeol commented 5 years ago

Many thanks for the suggestion, I have actually moved to Arch with pure i3-gaps (following Luke Smith's dotfiles).

Quite happy with the transition will report back when my new laptop arrives and install your version there with this provided suggestion!

Closed for now.