avivais / phonegap-parse-plugin

Phonegap 3.0.0 plugin for Parse.com push service
195 stars 315 forks source link

Plugin not working for iOS #70

Open vrunoa opened 9 years ago

vrunoa commented 9 years ago

Hey @avivais , I install the phonegap-parse-plugin but it's not working on iOS. After install, I build & run the app, and in xcode console I get:

2015-07-28 18:19:37.651 Enquestapp[7925:4456806] -[__NSCFString JSONObject]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x114871d68
2015-07-28 18:19:38.308 Enquestapp[7925:4456806] *** WebKit discarded an uncaught exception in the webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:request:frame:decisionListener: delegate: <NSInvalidArgumentException> -[__NSCFString JSONObject]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x114871d68

Have any idea what it could be ?

I'm using cordova 4.2.0

Thanks four your help.

eddiekollar commented 9 years ago

I'm currently working on this myself. Are you attempting to do run your app in the simulator? It seems as though push notifications are only supported with an actual device.

vrunoa commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I was testing it on a Simulator, on monday i'll use a iphone 6 and let you know. I really hope this is the problem. thanks.

vrunoa commented 9 years ago

Got the same error testing on an iPhone 6. I have to remove the -ObjC flag from Other Links Flags on the project to work. Could the plugin not be working due to this ?

Kunze commented 8 years ago

@vrunoa How can I remove this without xcode?

vrunoa commented 8 years ago

@Kunze mmm, I have never actually made it without XCode, but I believe you would have to change the build command-line you're using and add this flag.

Kunze commented 8 years ago

@vrunoa Thank

rooswelt commented 8 years ago

I'm facing the same problem (with -ObjC removed) and running on device (ipad air)

Have you found any solution yet?

sharmahemu1994 commented 8 years ago

any solutions yet regarding this problem??

sharmahemu1994 commented 8 years ago

add this ( -force_load $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/libCordova.a ) in other links flags in xcode if you have removed -ObjC