User story
When browsing e-hentai / exhentai with the Hentoid web browser, I'd like to be able to download torrent files to get the highest resolution images without burning my download points. However, the app does nothing when clicking torrent links, and I need to open the same page on a regular browser.
When opening a torrent link, the app should open the "open with..." dialog and send the torrent data to the selected app.
When using private trackers like exhentai's, 3rd party torrent apps can't access it
=> download the torrent file and send it instead of just sending the URL
User story When browsing e-hentai / exhentai with the Hentoid web browser, I'd like to be able to download torrent files to get the highest resolution images without burning my download points. However, the app does nothing when clicking torrent links, and I need to open the same page on a regular browser.
Expected When opening a torrent link, the app should open the "open with..." dialog and send the torrent data to the selected app.