[x] Mark headache as abnormal in the concept "Sickness in last 1 month"
[x] Haemoglobin 0 to 10.9 should become red.
[x] In summary, Moderate anemia- HB -8 to 10.9,should be classified as moderate anemia, which is not done at present.
[x] Add option Ganja(marijuana) in the question "Do you have any addiction" and make it multiselect.
[x] Check for any individuals who have the option selected as both, if there are any, update the answers to "Alcohol" and "Tobacco".
[x] Write a script to update the single select coded answers to multi select coded answers.
[ ] Update the reports where ever this is necessary.
[x] Update low normal and high normal ranges of haemoglobin to 0-11.
[x] If the Answer to the question "Menstruation started" is "No", then hide the question "MHM kit used?".
[x] Remove the option kit pad from the question "Absorbent material used most of the times"
[x] Add counselling points for mental health in Baseline and Endline forms if
answer to "Is his/her behavior different than others" OR "If he/she is slower in learning and understanding new things" OR "Is there any developmental disability seen" is Yes.
[x] Add "Only Mother" and "Only father" in Staying with whom options.