avniproject / Swadhar

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Family Member Registration #1

Open sachsk opened 10 months ago

sachsk commented 10 months ago

Req doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aFO2tLg5GgD3jLnwnBAZQ68AvW3AJwBLgYRyA0bJkIg/edit#gid=1762403203

kuldeeplodha commented 9 months ago

Hii Dinesh. I have worked on and resolved all the issues listed by you. The issues are:-

  1. Do you have a birth certificate? As per requirement, it should display only if the age is >3 but after the discussion we concluded that this should be visible for every age group.
  2. Does/goes to Kindergarten/Anganwadi? according to the requirement, we have the option of Balwadi, Anganwadi, and Swadhara, but after the discussion, we decided to collect a yes or no response. In this question, we just need to collect if the child's age is >= 3 and < 8 then the child is going to Anganwadi or not.
  3. ."Do you have a PAN card?" we decided to open this question to only those above 18.
  4. "If so in which bank?" This question is not needed now.
  5. “School grade" We are using the Coded type instead of text.
  6. For The “Education” question, I have fixed the issue. Now if we answer no to Does he/she go to the school, then you can select the appropriate answer for the question.
  7. “The medium of the school he/she attends for this Marathi alone shows in Marathi rest all show in English”. This is because of translation because I have added Marathi as an option in English.
  8. The benefit of Swadhaar or other facilities for this question we have updated all the options available in the Avni Forms drive sheet.
  9. "How many months is the pregnant mother?" We have changed this question to “Are you a pregnant or lactating mother?” and we are asking this question for Age greater than 13 and marital status answer other than “Unmarried”.
  10. “Where are you investing” We have changed this question to “Are you investing ?”. In our previous form, we took this as text but now we have decided to take it as a coded question. (Only “Yes”, and “No”)
  11. “If yes then which business/nature of business” This question is not required now. We have removed this question from the drive sheet.
  12. For issue no. 8 All the questions we have decided to take in the Aapla Manch program because these questions are related to community development.

We have updated the "Avni Forms For Swayam" drive sheet with all the changes we had discussed and the latest requirements. All The listed issues are resolved now except issue no. 3. For this I have to upload the translation file again. Which I'll do today before EOD. Please check once now and if there is any other issue available and clarification needed then let me know.

kuldeeplodha commented 9 months ago
  1. For " Do you have an Aadhar card?" The is no age limit for Aadhar card but for ourselves, we have added a limit for this question age greater than or equal to 2 years. I have updated this in the drive sheet.
  2. "Do you have a bank account?" for this we want to show this when the age is greater than or equal to 6. I have updated this on the drive sheet.
  3. Does/go to school? For this, I have fixed the issue now it is working as per the requirement.
  4. Are you interested in enrolling in our support class program? We are asking this only to see the important people for the program we don’t want to enrol everyone on the program because there are some other factors available in the program eligibility.
  5. Benefits of Swadhaar or other facilities I have added a new option which you have listed in the last issue message.
  6. Marital Status For this, I have fixed the issue now it is working as per the requirement.
  7. "Are there pregnant mothers in the family?" For this, I have fixed the issue now it is working as per the requirement.
  8. If you have any type of helth issues. I have removed the Spelling mistakes.
  9. Do you work or not ?, Do you regularly save money? Are you a member of any self-help group? , Are you investing anywhere? Are you availing of any government schemes? ,कोणत्याही शासकीय योजनांचा लाभ घेत आहात का ? ( Are you availing any government schemes?) for this as per the requirement if the age is greater than 18 it should displayed but it displays the question if the age is >=18
  10. There is an issue in the rules generated by the rule builder because I have added a rule as age greater than 17 but it is not working for age = 18. I have created a support ticket for this once the issue is fixed it will work as per our requirement.
  11. “What is the monthly income ?” The concept is text type so I removed the question and created the concept as a numeric type. Now it is working fine.

I have fixed all the issue listed by you. Please check once now and if there is any other issue are available then let me know.