avniproject / avni-client

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Dashboard is not showing the value in jsscp after some time it is showing the value. #1388

Closed AchalaBelokar closed 3 weeks ago

AchalaBelokar commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Dashboard is not showing the value in jsscp after some time it is showing the value. it is showing the blank value but after some time it is showing the actual value.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Login with maha@jsscp
  2. after click on completed
  3. See error

Expected behavior it should be shown actual value.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


mahalakshme commented 1 month ago

looks like could be related to some of the recent issue fixes made in recent releases on dashboard or some dashboard features we worked on. So moving to Ready

1t5j0y commented 1 month ago

unable to simulate this - with 'dashboard auto refresh' setting enabled / disabled.