Closed vinayvenu closed 1 year ago
Environment: prod Organisation: jscs Catchment: Anuppur Screen: Search screen Search parameters: Hemoglobin Genotype = AS
PS: The issue can be reproduced exactly with these parameters only, not others. It looks like a stack overflow when this happens.
03-21 19:44:52.802 13241 13241 E DEBUG : failed to read /proc/uptime: Permission denied 03-21 19:44:53.093 205 205 I logd : logdr: UID=10149 GID=10149 PID=13241 n tail=0 logMask=8 pid=13062 start=0ns deadline=0ns 03-21 19:44:53.097 205 205 I logd : logdr: UID=10149 GID=10149 PID=13241 n tail=0 logMask=1 pid=13062 start=0ns deadline=0ns 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'google/sdk_gphone64_arm64/emulator64_arm64:12/S2B2.211203.006/8015633:userdebug/dev-keys' 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : Revision: '0' 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64' 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2023-03-21 19:44:52.802652345+0530 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : Process uptime: 0s 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : Cmdline: com.openchsclient 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : pid: 13062, tid: 13130, name: mqt_js >>> com.openchsclient <<< 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : uid: 10149 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : tagged_addr_ctrl: 0000000000000001 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x6ea826cff8 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : Cause: stack pointer is not in a rw map; likely due to stack overflow. 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : x0 b400006f702c8a10 x1 00000071f619b7cc x2 0000006f5fb05130 x3 0000006ea836ca48 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : x4 0000000000000010 x5 b400006f7047ec30 x6 b400006f7fc84750 x7 b400006f701ca220 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : x8 8ac169465826116c x9 8ac169465826116c x10 0000006f5fa69000 x11 0000000000000020 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : x12 0000000000000016 x13 00000000a1179f84 x14 000000000000e3b7 x15 0000000000000000 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : x16 0000006ecc9ce9d8 x17 00000071f6100b40 x18 0000006ea7340000 x19 b400006f702c8748 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : x20 b400006f5fb285d0 x21 0000006ea8371000 x22 0000006e8532e368 x23 b400006f5fb285e0 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : x24 b400006f7047ee18 x25 b400006f7047ee18 x26 b400006f36344430 x27 00000000000babd0 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : x28 0000006ea8371000 x29 0000006ea836d9f0 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : lr 0000006e84e0965c sp 0000006ea826cfe0 pc 0000006e84e09624 pst 0000000080001000 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : backtrace: 3-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : #00 pc 00000000002dd624 /data/app/~~LVyn36JpsX-H_CcTPkk5IA==/com.openchsclient-3B0XQ4QvfEYeAKidrOprwQ==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId: 4d695c39d2b9ab15190bd7b5df35318bfca77c8c) 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : #01 pc 00000000002dd658 /data/app/~~LVyn36JpsX-H_CcTPkk5IA==/com.openchsclient-3B0XQ4QvfEYeAKidrOprwQ==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId: 4d695c39d2b9ab15190bd7b5df35318bfca77c8c) 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : #02 pc 00000000002dd658 /data/app/~~LVyn36JpsX-H_CcTPkk5IA==/com.openchsclient-3B0XQ4QvfEYeAKidrOprwQ==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId: 4d695c39d2b9ab15190bd7b5df35318bfca77c8c) 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : #03 pc 00000000002dd658 /data/app/~~LVyn36JpsX-H_CcTPkk5IA==/com.openchsclient-3B0XQ4QvfEYeAKidrOprwQ==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId: 4d695c39d2b9ab15190bd7b5df35318bfca77c8c) 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00000000002dd658 /data/app/~~LVyn36JpsX-H_CcTPkk5IA==/com.openchsclient-3B0XQ4QvfEYeAKidrOprwQ==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId: 4d695c39d2b9ab15190bd7b5df35318bfca77c8c) 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00000000002dd658 /data/app/~~LVyn36JpsX-H_CcTPkk5IA==/com.openchsclient-3B0XQ4QvfEYeAKidrOprwQ==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId: 4d695c39d2b9ab15190bd7b5df35318bfca77c8c) 03-21 19:44:53.111 13241 13241 F DEBUG : #06 pc 00000000002dd658 /data/app/~~LVyn36JpsX-H_CcTPkk5IA==/com.openchsclient-3B0XQ4QvfEYeAKidrOprwQ==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId: 4d695c39d2b9ab15190bd7b5df35318bfca77c8c) .... and several other lines like this...
To Reproduce
Environment: prod Organisation: jscs Catchment: Anuppur Screen: Search screen Search parameters: Hemoglobin Genotype = AS
PS: The issue can be reproduced exactly with these parameters only, not others. It looks like a stack overflow when this happens.