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Implement new access and security policy for AWS resources #6

Open himeshr opened 1 year ago

himeshr commented 1 year ago
  1. We might need a separate AWS account that runs production. This means eventually we will be running atleast 3 different AWS accounts - 5d
  2. Come up with list of target entities - 1d
  3. Come up wit privileges for those target entities - 1d
  4. Come up with env based grouping of target entities and privileges - 1d
  5. Come up with Base set of roles (Target entity + Privilege + environment => Role), includes - 2d -- AWS console access - -- SSH access to servers -- AWS service access (Ec2, RDS, Cognito, S3, etc)
  6. UserGroups will be assigned one or more Roles - 1d
  7. Users will be a part one or more userGroups - 0d
  8. We’ll then do staggered switch from old way of access to the new approach - 0d
  9. Deprecate the old SSH keys and AWS credentials which grant role/user-group agnostic access - 2d
  10. Total: 8d * 2(Ramp-up, Misc tasks, bugs/issues) = 20d => 4 weeks - High Level estimate