On click of 'More Info' should open the image in new tab - Ignore if already working
As seen in the below image, the name of the image is shown as - 'subject name subject type name location name'. Instead display its details one below the other like below along with field name(we will be considering the concept name for this):
Subject Name: A-30627
Subject Type: Activity
Place of Registration: Other
Field name: Before implementation
Reasons for considering concept name instead of form element name:
With the same form element a different concept can be associated later, but it is the concept that represents the truth and form element names or the concepts associated with it can change
Out of scope:
We need not show the number of images. It is evident from the number of pages. We don't show it in DEA as well. Keeping it minimum is better.
Show number of pages at the bottom as part of the pagination widget like in DEA. - will make performance more than 5 secs so lets not do it for now.
concept name/form element name?
length of name longer
Unless there is significant benefit, use concept only(feature wise also it helps - because form element might deleted)
On click of 'More Info' should open the image in new tab - Ignore if already working
As seen in the below image, the name of the image is shown as - 'subject name subject type name location name'. Instead display its details one below the other like below along with field name(we will be considering the concept name for this):
Reasons for considering concept name instead of form element name:
Out of scope: