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[Support]Move JSS phulwari Dashboard to ETL #80

Closed sachsk closed 1 year ago

sachsk commented 1 year ago

Total 9 reports in dashboard.

Testing 1hr Total dev estimate = 8hr

BEULAHEVANJALIN commented 1 year ago


BEULAHEVANJALIN commented 1 year ago

On-hold!. Unable to find any observations like "WFA Grade", "Growth Faltering Status" in JSS org. These concepts not used in any forms and unable to find in decision rules as well. And not in ETL table of course. But i could see some observations for these in DB. What could be the reason. Not sure if these concepts got deleted.

BEULAHEVANJALIN commented 1 year ago
select count(distinct individual.id)
from individual
join program_encounter on individual.id = program_encounter.individual_id
where program_encounter.observations -> 'a5067bcc-d333-4c80-a0f2-d61df9d210d3' = '["04bb1773-c353-44a1-a68c-9b448e07ff70"]'
and individual.is_voided = false; --1280
BEULAHEVANJALIN commented 1 year ago
BEULAHEVANJALIN commented 1 year ago
select count(distinct program_encounter.individual_id)
       filter (where (program_encounter.observations ->> '10d6ef42-2db4-4af9-951d-75b8942690a1')::numeric =
                     1) as "Grade 1",
       count(distinct program_encounter.individual_id)
       filter (where (program_encounter.observations ->> '10d6ef42-2db4-4af9-951d-75b8942690a1')::numeric =
                     2) as "Grade 2",
       count(distinct program_encounter.individual_id)
       filter (where (program_encounter.observations ->> '10d6ef42-2db4-4af9-951d-75b8942690a1')::numeric =
                     3) as "Grade 3"
from individual
         join program_enrolment
              on program_enrolment.program_id = (select id from program where name = 'Phulwari')
                  and individual.id = program_enrolment.individual_id
         join program_encounter on program_enrolment.id = program_encounter.program_enrolment_id
         join address_level address on individual.address_id = address.id
         join catchment_address_mapping catchment_mapping on address.id = catchment_mapping.addresslevel_id
         join catchment on catchment_mapping.catchment_id = catchment.id
where individual.is_voided = false
  and program_enrolment.program_exit_date_time is null
  and program_encounter.encounter_date_time is not null
  and catchment.name <> 'JSS Master Catchment'; -- 2002,1513,749
BEULAHEVANJALIN commented 1 year ago

Link to dashboard : https://reporting.avniproject.org/dashboard/193-jss-phulwari-dashboard-new