avogelba / WinDirStats

WinDirStats - Windows Directory Statistics, private clone from:
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Expose discrepancy between total results found by windirstat vs on-disk properties usage #125

Open avogelba opened 9 years ago

avogelba commented 9 years ago

Originally reported by: Anonymous

an enhancement that would throw a dialog saying "windirstat found a total of 30 gigs of files, which is less than the total disk used reported by the operating system, which is 85 gigs, *GB etc. Approximately 55 GB is not displayed in windirstat due to various issues"

This may be a security issue, or the machine has been hacked, or you have hidden logging occurring etc

I hope you consider this idea.

avogelba commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Alexander Riccio (Bitbucket: alexander_riccio, GitHub: Unknown):

This is a well known behavior with NTFS. For a good description see: NTFS Misreports Free Space? ( part 1 ), ( part 2 ), ( part 3 )

Try out my build, and lemme know what you get.