Originally reported by: Oliver (Bitbucket: assarbad, GitHub: assarbad)
TODO.txt - What still has to been done to WinDirStat
- Check under Terminal Services to fix the redrawing problems
=> assarbad
- "Check for updates" in help menu
=> assarbad +translators
- Multiple selection (and deletion).
Concept first! Which cleanup actions will still be enabled
and how will they work if multiple items are selected?
=> bseifert+assarbad
- Drag and Drop (to Explorer)
=> assarbad (?!)
- Saving current scan
=> assarbad
- Use windirstat.ini, if present
=> assarbad (?!)
- Plugins
=> assarbad
- Filters (plugin!), by extension, size, owner, blacklist, attribute ...
=> assarbad
- Drill down from any place! (incl. file list)
=> ???
Possible additional useful features:
- Show element size for selected element(s) in status bar
-> also if one chooses an element in the cushion view or the extension
=> assarbad
- Right-click system menu (as submenu of the WDS menu)
=> assarbad
- Resize (i.e. shrink) first column after item was collapsed? As an option?
=> ???
- Adding FAQ to the help file(s):
* how to remove the program (provide setup first!!!) -> Use uninstall
* can one delete <Unknown> -> NO!
* after installing WDS my computer reboots randomly/doesn't reboot anymore
-> NOT our problem, WDS cannot be responsible for such problems
* future date/time stamps -> Occurs on some systems, not a WDS problem
=> assarbad +translators
Originally reported by: Oliver (Bitbucket: assarbad, GitHub: assarbad)