avokicchi / jquery-drawr

JQuery dRawr is a jquery plugin to turn any canvas element into a drawing area with a lot of useful tools and brushes.
MIT License
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If we zoom out in mobile device and adjust image. Image will disappear from editor #26

Closed Al-hamed-Mohammed closed 3 years ago

Al-hamed-Mohammed commented 3 years ago

If we zoom out in mobile device and adjust image using mdi-cursor-move Tool from tool bar. Image is disappear from editor. Can any please help on this

avokicchi commented 3 years ago

This issue is reproducable on Desktop Google Chrome if you enable the device simulator, this should make debugging a lot easier. The issue is in drawSpot function of jquery.drawr.move.js. I'll look into it.

avokicchi commented 3 years ago

I have found the issue. It explains a ton of weird behaviour in the scrolling. I will publish an update later on. It was due to two typos in jquery.drawr.move.js.