avr-llvm / llvm

[MERGED UPSTREAM] AVR backend for the LLVM compiler library
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Development still halted? #188

Closed anonymouse64 closed 7 years ago

anonymouse64 commented 8 years ago

In the README, it says that development has halted until avr-llvm has been merged into the llvm trunk. Has this happened? It looks like there are recent commits, and so that would lead me to believe that this merge has happened.

Just curious...

rjordans commented 8 years ago

My guess is "yes and no", the merge isn't complete yet so I'm not expecting the main authors of this project to work on many other things while this is happening. On the other hand, I've become a bit more active and started fixing small things myself, it seems that simple pull requests will still be merged, especially if they fix important things before the merge with llvm trunk is complete.

dylanmckay commented 8 years ago

Kind of.

I've been working on some things (mostly files that haven't been merged yet).

The backend is about 40% merged so far. See LLVM trunk.

I've come up with a workflow (once something is merged to LLVM trunk, pull changes and resolve merge conflicts with this repo), which makes it easier to add changes. The two repos will be slightly out of sync but so long as each change is integrated into both, it shouldn't matter.

There are some outstanding issues which need to be fixed before the merge is completed (see blocks-upstreaming issue label), so it is inevitable that some changes are made.

galorin commented 8 years ago

I was looking into doing something where your project came up. Your link to the LLVM trunk is currently a 404. Any updates on the status, or is it still hovering at around 40% merged?

dylanmckay commented 8 years ago

it's probably about 60% merged, with about 20% in one big patch that is awaiting reviewal.

avr-llvm.org has also been removed.

dylanmckay commented 8 years ago

Here are the two patches:

shepmaster commented 8 years ago

http://reviews.llvm.org/D17906 (big one)

Merged! 🎉

shepmaster commented 8 years ago

For those also following along at home, I've been using Dylan's feed to watch all the reviews happen.

eltang commented 8 years ago

Is there a timeline for the completion of this project? Some C code I'm optimizing has become very fragile, and I suspect that avr-gcc might have a bug.

dylanmckay commented 8 years ago

@eltang it's currently 1/3rd of the way into being merged into LLVM trunk. I haven't been adding features/fixing bugs during the process.

@shepmaster however is working on getting LLVM to successfully compile Rust's core library and work correctly, and has been doing major work to make it happen.

The truth is though, that there is likely to be many more bugs in AVR-LLVM than in AVR-GCC. I suggest filing a bug report or messaging the avr-gcc mailing list.

eltang commented 8 years ago

@dylanmckay I'm hesitant to file a bug report because I'm not sure if there is one. I don't know asm; I only know that one version of my code works while another seemingly identical one does not.

dylanmckay commented 8 years ago

Still no harm in messaging the list.

eltang commented 8 years ago

@dylanmckay avr-gcc is fine. It turned out that I made an insanely stupid mistake in the code.

shepmaster commented 8 years ago

an insanely stupid mistake

Just for my own education, can you share what happened? I'm helping with the Rust fork that supports AVR and I'm curious if Rust could have helped prevent whatever case occurred.

eltang commented 8 years ago

@shepmaster I substituted a pre-decrement operator with post-decrement operator thinking I was improving the code. I did eventually achieve my aim with a different approach.

eltang commented 7 years ago

@dylanmckay Has development resumed?

dylanmckay commented 7 years ago

I'm putting a bunch of work into it now. I'm mostly focusing on the stuff needed for Rust support, but if you're blocked on anything, feel free to mention it :)