avr-llvm / llvm

[MERGED UPSTREAM] AVR backend for the LLVM compiler library
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fatal error: error in backend: Cannot select: 0x3b16200: v2i64 = ctlz 0x45c29f0 [ORD=8] [ID=44] #235

Closed gopinath-r closed 6 years ago

gopinath-r commented 6 years ago

Hi, I received the following error while building tensorflow using bazel(using clang) $ bazel build --crosstool_top=//tools/arm_compiler:toolchain --cpu=armeabi-v7a --verbose_failures --sandbox_debug //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package

fatal error: error in backend: Cannot select: 0x3b16200: v2i64 = ctlz 0x45c29f0 [ORD=8] [ID=44] 0x45c29f0: v2i64 = bitcast 0x3b16ec0 [ORD=7] [ID=43] 0x3b16ec0: v4i32 = or 0x3bafaa0, 0x458b200 [ORD=7] [ID=42] 0x3bafaa0: v4i32 = xor 0x45af7a0, 0x3baf880 [ORD=6] [ID=41] 0x45af7a0: v4i32 = bitcast 0x45c1b10 [ORD=6] [ID=40] 0x45c1b10: v2i64 = ARMISD::VSHL 0x3baf990, 0x4543a90 [ORD=4] [ID=38] 0x3baf990: v2i64 = bitcast 0x45af030 [ORD=3] [ID=32] 0x45af030: v2f64,ch = load 0x4562170, 0x458aa90, 0x3b16fd0<LD16%lsr.iv345347(tbaa=<0x3b1a498>)> [ORD=3] [ID=28] 0x458aa90: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x4562170, 0x3b16750 [ORD=2] [ID=21] 0x3b16750: i32 = Register %vreg15 [ID=1] 0x3b16fd0: i32 = undef [ID=3] 0x4543a90: i32 = Constant<1> [ID=15] 0x3baf880: v4i32 = bitcast 0x3bb0100 [ORD=6] [ID=39] 0x3bb0100: v2i64 = ARMISD::VSHRs 0x3baf990, 0x4544750 [ORD=5] [ID=37] 0x3baf990: v2i64 = bitcast 0x45af030 [ORD=3] [ID=32] 0x45af030: v2f64,ch = load 0x4562170, 0x458aa90, 0x3b16fd0<LD16%lsr.iv345347(tbaa=<0x3b1a498>)> [ORD=3] [ID=28] 0x458aa90: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x4562170, 0x3b16750 [ORD=2] [ID=21] 0x3b16750: i32 = Register %vreg15 [ID=1] 0x3b16fd0: i32 = undef [ID=3] 0x4544750: i32 = Constant<63> [ID=4] 0x458b200: v4i32 = bitcast 0x4544310 [ORD=4] [ID=36] 0x4544310: v2f64,ch = load 0x4562170, 0x426f6d0, 0x3b16fd0<LD16[ConstantPool]> [ORD=4] [ID=31] 0x426f6d0: i32 = ARMISD::Wrapper 0x3b16530 [ID=27] 0x3b16530: i32 = TargetConstantPool<<4 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0>> 0 [ID=20] 0x3b16fd0: i32 = undef [ID=3] In function: _ZNK6google8protobuf8internal12ExtensionSet9Extension8ByteSizeEi clang: error: clang frontend command failed with exit code 70 (use -v to see invocation) Ubuntu clang version 3.6.2-3ubuntu2 (tags/RELEASE_362/final) (based on LLVM 3.6.2) Target: armv7a-arm-linux-gnueabif Thread model: posix clang: note: diagnostic msg: PLEASE submit a bug report to http://bugs.debian.org/ and include the crash backtrace, preprocessed source, and associated run script. clang: note: diagnostic msg:

do anyone have idea about this?

shepmaster commented 6 years ago


This repository is for a fork of LLVM dedicated to supporting the AVR chip. I think you have found the wrong place to report this. In fact, if you continue reading your pasted message, it tells you where to go:

PLEASE submit a bug report to http://bugs.debian.org/ and include the crash backtrace, preprocessed source, and associated run script.

gopinath-r commented 6 years ago

Thank you

dylanmckay commented 6 years ago

By the way @gopinath-r - this isn't a debian bug, so if this is still an issue in current master (I don't think it is, I remember working on the ctlz stuff in the past few months), the place to report it would be https://bugs.llvm.org/