Closed rocketraman closed 3 years ago
I've encountered the same issue when attempting to write a class that satisfies the spec for the Avro Event Format for CloudEvents - Version 1.0.1
The issue stems from the multiple value types in the attribute
field defined as
"name": "attribute",
"type": {
"type": "map",
"values": ["null", "boolean", "int", "string", "bytes"]
The following code:
class AvroCloudEvent(
val attribute: Map<String, @Contextual Any?>
val module = SerializersModule {
polymorphic(baseClass = Any::class, actualClass = Int::class, actualSerializer = Int.serializer())
polymorphic(baseClass = Any::class, actualClass = String::class, actualSerializer = String.serializer())
polymorphic(baseClass = Any::class, actualClass = Boolean::class, actualSerializer = Boolean.serializer())
val avro = Avro(serializersModule = module)
Results in the exception:
Exception in thread "main" kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Unsupported type kotlinx.serialization.ContextualSerializer<Any>? of CONTEXTUAL
at com.github.avrokotlin.avro4k.schema.SchemaForKt.schemaFor(SchemaFor.kt:180)
at com.github.avrokotlin.avro4k.schema.MapSchemaFor.schema(SchemaFor.kt:117)
at com.github.avrokotlin.avro4k.schema.ClassSchemaFor.buildField(ClassSchemaFor.kt:84)
at com.github.avrokotlin.avro4k.schema.ClassSchemaFor.dataClassSchema(ClassSchemaFor.kt:63)
at com.github.avrokotlin.avro4k.schema.ClassSchemaFor.schema(ClassSchemaFor.kt:43)
at com.github.avrokotlin.avro4k.Avro.schema(Avro.kt:266)
at com.github.avrokotlin.avro4k.Avro.schema(Avro.kt:269)
@rocketraman You can write:
data class Foo(
@Serializable(with = LocalDateSerializer::class)
val d: LocalDate
and this works
val b = Avro.default.encodeToByteArray(Foo.serializer(), Foo(
val c = Avro.default.decodeFromByteArray(Foo.serializer(), b)
implementation in com.github.avrokotlin.avro4k.serializer
In our project, we use 3 serialization formats (JSON, Avro, Protobuf) and Kotlin Serialization is the only solution at present that gives the ability to use one set of model classes for different serialization forms. But effective implementation is possible only with contextual serializers. Please review my MR for this.
@vladimirfx, it looks the test you added is failing.
@vladimirfx, it looks the test you added is failing.
Yes, it is stated in PR #99 that it depends on contextual serialization. Merge contextual serialization PR #98 first and then the second PR #99 will work.
I can do this:
and create a JSON serializer like this:
however if I try to do a similar same thing with Avro4k like this:
at runtime I get the error: