avuserow / amp

Acoustics Media Player - network jukebox
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Detect when users are no longer present #33

Open chaosgame opened 14 years ago

chaosgame commented 14 years ago

Currently, when a user is no longer actively using amp, an admin can clear their votes. There should be a better way of solving this problem.

chaosgame commented 14 years ago

One possible solution is to allow for pausing people's votes. Any user can pause any other users votes. However, amp checks first to see if the user is currently logged in. The next time the user logs in, the votes are restored. Therefore, so long as a user has amp open, there can be no foul play. Additionally, if there is foul play, or if the user comes back after a short period of time, they are saved the work of re-upping all of their songs.

dfreedm commented 14 years ago

Using websockets, we could actually do this reasonably.

avuserow commented 14 years ago

Detecting the presence of web users isn't hard. It's mostly not kicking them out too easily (e.g. for rebooting or for command line users) and that this is super-easy to spoof. At best, this will be an honor system plugin.