awakia / catchup

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kubeflow, ksonnet #73

Open awakia opened 5 years ago

awakia commented 5 years ago



Kubeflow setup instructions.


Mostly followed the instructions written in

Currently, the kubeflow cluster is deployed on Kubernetes Engine in Wantedly QA project. CPU/GPU autoscaling is enabled.

You can see the UI of Kubeflow with a following command: kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods --selector=service=ambassador -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 8080:80 & open http://localhost:8080 .

2018/10/18 時点では


awakia commented 5 years ago


brew install minikube
brew install virtualbox
minikube init


awakia commented 5 years ago

brew install ksonnet/tap/ks
awakia commented 5 years ago
$ ks init kubeflow
$ ks prototype list
NAME                                  DESCRIPTION
====                                  ===========
io.ksonnet.pkg.configMap              A simple config map with optional user-specified data
io.ksonnet.pkg.deployed-service       A deployment exposed with a service
io.ksonnet.pkg.namespace              Namespace with labels automatically populated from the name
io.ksonnet.pkg.single-port-deployment Replicates a container n times, exposes a single port
io.ksonnet.pkg.single-port-service    Service that exposes a single port
$ ks registry add kubeflow
$ ks pkg install kubeflow/core
INFO Retrieved 38 files                           
$ ks prototype list
NAME                                     DESCRIPTION
====                                     ===========
io.ksonnet.pkg.ambassador                Ambassador
io.ksonnet.pkg.centraldashboard          centraldashboard
io.ksonnet.pkg.cert-manager              Certificate generation on GKE.           Cloud Endpoint domain creation.
io.ksonnet.pkg.configMap                 A simple config map with optional user-specified data
io.ksonnet.pkg.deployed-service          A deployment exposed with a service
io.ksonnet.pkg.echo-server               A simple echo server. Creates PV and PVC based on Google Cloud Filestore NFS
io.ksonnet.pkg.iap-ingress               Ingress for IAP on GKE.
io.ksonnet.pkg.jupyterhub                jupyterhub Component
io.ksonnet.pkg.metric-collector          Service monitor for kubeflow on GCP.
io.ksonnet.pkg.namespace                 Namespace with labels automatically populated from the name
io.ksonnet.pkg.prometheus                Prometheus Service.
io.ksonnet.pkg.single-port-deployment    Replicates a container n times, exposes a single port
io.ksonnet.pkg.single-port-service       Service that exposes a single port
io.ksonnet.pkg.spartakus                 spartakus component for usage collection           A TensorFlow job operator.
$ ks pkg install kubeflow/tf-serving
INFO Retrieved 9 files                            
$ ks prototype list
NAME                                     DESCRIPTION
====                                     ===========
io.ksonnet.pkg.ambassador                Ambassador
io.ksonnet.pkg.centraldashboard          centraldashboard
io.ksonnet.pkg.cert-manager              Certificate generation on GKE.           Cloud Endpoint domain creation.
io.ksonnet.pkg.configMap                 A simple config map with optional user-specified data
io.ksonnet.pkg.deployed-service          A deployment exposed with a service
io.ksonnet.pkg.echo-server               A simple echo server. Creates PV and PVC based on Google Cloud Filestore NFS
io.ksonnet.pkg.iap-ingress               Ingress for IAP on GKE.
io.ksonnet.pkg.jupyterhub                jupyterhub Component
io.ksonnet.pkg.metric-collector          Service monitor for kubeflow on GCP.
io.ksonnet.pkg.namespace                 Namespace with labels automatically populated from the name
io.ksonnet.pkg.prometheus                Prometheus Service.
io.ksonnet.pkg.single-port-deployment    Replicates a container n times, exposes a single port
io.ksonnet.pkg.single-port-service       Service that exposes a single port
io.ksonnet.pkg.spartakus                 spartakus component for usage collection           A TensorFlow job operator.                A TensorFlow serving deployment            A TensorFlow serving deployment            A TensorFlow serving deployment    tf-serving with request logging
awakia commented 5 years ago
kube apply default
kube get all
kubectl port-forward service/tf-hub-lb 8080:80
open http://localhot:8080