awawa-dev / HyperHDR

Highly optimized open source ambient lighting implementation based on modern digital video and audio stream analysis for Windows, macOS and Linux (x86 and Raspberry Pi / ARM).
MIT License
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LED layout not matching actual LED output #893

Open jsammarco opened 5 days ago

jsammarco commented 5 days ago

Hello, I am experiencing an issue with the LED layout. I have 47 LED on the top and bottom, and 27 LEDs down the sides. I am also using reverse direction as the first strip goes down the left side to the bottom.

I am also using the new version you made for my HDMI to CSI board. (Which another issue is that it never recovers if the video source goes out. I have to restart the service each time.)

Bug report, debug log and your config file (FULL LOGS ARE MANDATORY)

Steps to reproduce

Set LED layout to match LED counts

What is expected?

LED layout should match LED output

What is actually happening?

There is more LEDs being displayed on the first LEDs than should be. For example I set it as it should be but instead of the first 5 LEDs that should be red its more like twice as many and they don't line up.

The only way to get it to look correct is to set the LEDs to Top:15, Bottom:15, Left:9, Right:9. Group Horz:3, Group Vert:3. I would like to get the most out of the LED resolution so not to have to use groups.

Thank you, hopefully something silly on my end.


2024-07-01T16:20:13.045Z [CORE] TTY is not attached to the log output 2024-07-01T16:20:13.076Z [MAIN] Database path: '/root/.hyperhdr/db/hyperhdr.db', readonlyMode = disabled 2024-07-01T16:20:13.076Z [MAIN] Starting HyperHdr -, workaround_for_unicam_image (awawa-dev-4432046/ae364ae-1719681697), built: Jun 29 2024:17:31:40 2024-07-01T16:20:13.076Z [MAIN] Set user data path to '/root/.hyperhdr' 2024-07-01T16:20:13.076Z [INSTANCE_CFG] Loading instance configuration 2024-07-01T16:20:13.077Z [DB] Database opened: /root/.hyperhdr/db/hyperhdr.db 2024-07-01T16:20:13.102Z [INSTANCE_CFG] Settings database initialized 2024-07-01T16:20:13.128Z [SOUND_GRABBER] Sound device is disabled 2024-07-01T16:20:13.186Z [JSONSERVER] (JsonServer.cpp:26) Created new instance 2024-07-01T16:20:13.186Z [JSONSERVER] Started on port 19444 2024-07-01T16:20:13.187Z [SSDP] (SSDPHandler.cpp:31) SSDPHandler is initialized 2024-07-01T16:20:13.162Z [V4L2:auto] (GrabberWrapper.cpp:55) Starting the grabber wrapper 2024-07-01T16:20:13.162Z [V4L2:AUTO] Found capture device: /dev/video15 2024-07-01T16:20:13.162Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:579) /dev/video15 1280 x 1280 @ 0 fps yuyv, input = 127 (seems supported, device not fully compatible with v4l2 grabber model, frame rate is unknown) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.162Z [V4L2:AUTO] bcm2835-isp-capture1 (video15) [/dev/video15] 1280 x 1280 @ 0 fps yuyv input 127 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [V4L2:AUTO] Found capture device: /dev/video21 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [X11_SYSTEM:AUTO] Loaded X11 proxy library for screen capturing 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [DAEMON] The system doesn't support the X11 system grabber 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:579) /dev/video21 1280 x 1280 @ 0 fps yuyv, input = 127 (seems supported, device not fully compatible with v4l2 grabber model, frame rate is unknown) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [V4L2:AUTO] bcm2835-isp-capture0 (video21) [/dev/video21] 1280 x 1280 @ 0 fps yuyv input 127 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [DAEMON] The system doesn't support the framebuffer system grabber 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [V4L2:AUTO] Found capture device: /dev/video14 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [X11_SYSTEM:auto] (SystemWrapper.cpp:71) Closing grabber: X11_SYSTEM:auto 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [FRAMEBUF_SYSTEM:auto] (SystemWrapper.cpp:71) Closing grabber: FRAMEBUF_SYSTEM:auto 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [HYPERHDR0] Starting the instance 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:579) /dev/video14 1280 x 1280 @ 0 fps yuyv, input = 127 (seems supported, device not fully compatible with v4l2 grabber model, frame rate is unknown) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [V4L2:AUTO] bcm2835-isp-capture0 (video14) [/dev/video14] 1280 x 1280 @ 0 fps yuyv input 127 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [V4L2:AUTO] Found capture device: /dev/video22 2024-07-01T16:20:13.163Z [INSTANCE_CFG0] Loading instance configuration 2024-07-01T16:20:13.164Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:579) /dev/video22 1280 x 1280 @ 0 fps yuyv, input = 127 (seems supported, device not fully compatible with v4l2 grabber model, frame rate is unknown) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.164Z [V4L2:AUTO] bcm2835-isp-capture1 (video22) [/dev/video22] 1280 x 1280 @ 0 fps yuyv input 127 2024-07-01T16:20:13.164Z [V4L2:AUTO] Found capture device: /dev/video0 2024-07-01T16:20:13.164Z [DB] Database opened: /root/.hyperhdr/db/hyperhdr.db 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:579) /dev/video0 1920 x 1080 @ 0 fps uyvy, input = 0 (seems supported, device not fully compatible with v4l2 grabber model, frame rate is unknown) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [V4L2:AUTO] unicam-image (video0) [/dev/video0] 1920 x 1080 @ 0 fps uyvy input 0 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [V4L2:AUTO] Restarting video grabber is now blocked due to reloading of the configuration 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [V4L2:AUTO] Cropping image: width=0 height=0; crop: left=10 right=10 top=10 bottom=10 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [V4L2:auto] (GrabberWrapper.cpp:126) CEC keycode. Start: 0, stop: 0 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [V4L2:AUTO] (Grabber.cpp:272) setBrightnessContrastSaturationHue nothing changed 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:125) setHdrToneMappingMode to: Disabled 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [V4L2:AUTO] (Grabber.cpp:181) setFpsSoftwareDecimation to: 1 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [SIGNAL_OLD] (DetectionManual.cpp:84) Signal detection area set to: 0.250000,0.250000 x 0.750000,0.750000 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [SIGNAL_OLD] (DetectionManual.cpp:74) Signal threshold set to: {0, 0, 0} and frames: 50 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [SIGNAL_AUTO] (DetectionAutomatic.cpp:375) Automatic signal detection -> errorTolerance: 9, modelTolerance: 90, sleepTime: 1000, wakeTime: 0 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [V4L2:AUTO] (Grabber.cpp:379) setDeviceVideoStandard preparing to restart video grabber. Old: '' new: 'auto' 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [V4L2:AUTO] Delayed restart of the grabber due to change of selected device 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [V4L2:AUTO] (Grabber.cpp:199) Force encoding to: NO_CHANGE (old: NO_CHANGE) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.165Z [V4L2:AUTO] setQFrameDecimation is now: disabled 2024-07-01T16:20:13.215Z [INSTANCE_CFG0] Settings database initialized 2024-07-01T16:20:13.215Z [COMPONENTCTRL0] (ComponentController.cpp:31) ComponentController is initialized. Components are ENABLED 2024-07-01T16:20:13.217Z [MUXER0] (Muxer.cpp:55) Muxer initialized 2024-07-01T16:20:13.217Z [BLACKBORDER] Set mode to: default 2024-07-01T16:20:13.217Z [COMPONENTCTRL0] Blackborder detector: enabled 2024-07-01T16:20:13.217Z [IMAGETOLED_MNG0] (ImageToLedManager.cpp:176) setSparseProcessing to 1 2024-07-01T16:20:13.217Z [IMAGETOLED_MNG0] (ImageToLedManager.cpp:103) ImageToLedManager initialized 2024-07-01T16:20:13.218Z [COLORSPACE_CALIBRATION0] classicMode: no, gammas:[1.50, 1.50, 1.50], saturation: 1.00, luminance: 1.00, backLight: [enabled, threshold: 1, colored: yes] 2024-07-01T16:20:13.218Z [LED_CALIBRATION0] (LedCalibration.cpp:101) Calibration config '0' for LED segment: [0, 145] 2024-07-01T16:20:13.219Z [HYPERHDR0] Led strip RGB order is: brg 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [SMOOTHING0] High resolution clock is NOT STEADY! 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [SMOOTHING0] Creating config (0) => type: Alternative, pause: false, settlingTime: 150ms, interval: 20ms (50Hz), antiFlickTres: 32, antiFlickStep: 2, antiFlickTime: 250 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [SMOOTHING0] Clearing queued colors before: disabling. Smoothing configuration changed: restarting timer. 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [SMOOTHING0] Smoothing queue is cleared 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [SMOOTHING0] Selecting config (0) => type: Alternative, pause: false, settlingTime: 150ms, interval: 20ms (50Hz), antiFlickTres: 32, antiFlickStep: 2, antiFlickTime: 250 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [SMOOTHING0] Selecting config (0) => type: Alternative, pause: false, settlingTime: 150ms, interval: 20ms (50Hz), antiFlickTres: 32, antiFlickStep: 2, antiFlickTime: 250 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] Start LedDevice 'ws281x'. 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:337) deviceConfig: [{"colorOrder":"brg","currentLedCount":146,"dma":5,"gpio":18,"invert":false,"leds":188,"pwmchannel":0,"refreshTime":20,"rgbw":false,"smoothingRefreshTime":0,"type":"ws281x","whiteAlgorithm":"white_off"}] 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:423) Refresh rate = 50.00 Hz 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:373) Device is not ready to start a timer 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:433) Refresh interval updated to 20ms 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDeviceWS281x.cpp:66) ws281x selected dma : 5 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDeviceWS281x.cpp:67) ws281x selected channel : 0 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDeviceWS281x.cpp:68) ws281x total channels : 2 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDeviceWS281x.cpp:69) ws281x strip type : 1050624 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] The refresh timer is enabled ('Refresh time' > 0) and may limit the performance of the LED driver. Ignore this error if you set it on purpose for some reason (but you almost never need it). 2024-07-01T16:20:13.220Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:247) Enable the device 2024-07-01T16:20:13.221Z [HYPER_MANAGER] HyperHDR instance 'TV LEDS' has been started 2024-07-01T16:20:13.221Z [HYPERHDR0] The instance is running 2024-07-01T16:20:13.221Z [MUXER0] Register new input 'System/VIDEOGRABBER' with priority 240 as inactive 2024-07-01T16:20:13.221Z [COMPONENTCTRL0] Video capture device: enabled 2024-07-01T16:20:13.221Z [V4L2:AUTO] Multithreading for V4L2 is enabled. Available thread's count 3 2024-07-01T16:20:13.221Z [V4L2:AUTO] Found capture device: /dev/video15 2024-07-01T16:20:13.221Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:579) /dev/video15 1280 x 1280 @ 0 fps yuyv, input = 85 (seems supported, device not fully compatible with v4l2 grabber model, frame rate is unknown) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.222Z [V4L2:AUTO] Found capture device: /dev/video21 2024-07-01T16:20:13.222Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:579) /dev/video21 1280 x 1280 @ 0 fps yuyv, input = 85 (seems supported, device not fully compatible with v4l2 grabber model, frame rate is unknown) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.222Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:64) Switch on 2024-07-01T16:20:13.222Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:140) Power On 2024-07-01T16:20:13.222Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:367) Starting timer with interval = 20ms 2024-07-01T16:20:13.222Z [COMPONENTCTRL0] LED device: enabled 2024-07-01T16:20:13.222Z [V4L2:AUTO] Found capture device: /dev/video14 2024-07-01T16:20:13.222Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:579) /dev/video14 1280 x 1280 @ 0 fps yuyv, input = 85 (seems supported, device not fully compatible with v4l2 grabber model, frame rate is unknown) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.222Z [V4L2:AUTO] Found capture device: /dev/video22 2024-07-01T16:20:13.222Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:579) /dev/video22 1280 x 1280 @ 0 fps yuyv, input = 85 (seems supported, device not fully compatible with v4l2 grabber model, frame rate is unknown) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.223Z [V4L2:AUTO] Found capture device: /dev/video0 2024-07-01T16:20:13.224Z [FLATBUFSERVER] Started on port 19400 2024-07-01T16:20:13.224Z [FLATBUFSERVER] Started local domain socket server: 'hyperhdr-domain' 2024-07-01T16:20:13.225Z [WEBSERVER] Initialize Webserver 2024-07-01T16:20:13.225Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:579) /dev/video0 1920 x 1080 @ 0 fps uyvy, input = 0 (seems supported, device not fully compatible with v4l2 grabber model, frame rate is unknown) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.225Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:193) Forcing auto discovery device 2024-07-01T16:20:13.225Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:199) Auto discovery set to bcm2835-isp-capture0 (video14) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.225Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:199) Auto discovery set to bcm2835-isp-capture0 (video21) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.225Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:199) Auto discovery set to bcm2835-isp-capture1 (video15) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.225Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:199) Auto discovery set to bcm2835-isp-capture1 (video22) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.225Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:199) Auto discovery set to unicam-image (video0) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.225Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:213) Searching for unicam-image (video0) 0 x 0 @ 0 fps, input: -1 (NO_CHANGE) 2024-07-01T16:20:13.225Z [V4L2:AUTO] Forcing best guess 2024-07-01T16:20:13.225Z [V4L2:AUTO] 2024-07-01T16:20:13.225Z [V4L2:AUTO] Starting V4L2 grabber. Selected: unicam-image (video0) [/dev/video0] 1920 x 1080 @ 0 fps uyvy input -1 2024-07-01T16:20:13.225Z [V4L2:AUTO] 2024-07-01T16:20:13.226Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:853) Hardware cropping is not supported: ignoring 2024-07-01T16:20:13.226Z [NETFORWARDER] Forwarder has changed state to disabled 2024-07-01T16:20:13.227Z [V4L2:AUTO] Set device input to: Camera 0 2024-07-01T16:20:13.239Z [WEBSERVER] Apply Webserver settings 2024-07-01T16:20:13.239Z [WEBSERVER] Set document root to: :/www 2024-07-01T16:20:13.240Z [WEBSERVER] Started: 'HyperHDR WebServer (HTTP)' on port: 8090 2024-07-01T16:20:13.240Z [SSDP] (SSDPHandler.cpp:93) The local address is empty 2024-07-01T16:20:13.240Z [WEBSERVER] Initialize Webserver 2024-07-01T16:20:13.240Z [WEBSERVER] Apply Webserver settings 2024-07-01T16:20:13.240Z [WEBSERVER] Set document root to: :/www 2024-07-01T16:20:13.247Z [V4L2:AUTO] Set resolution to: 1920 x 1080 2024-07-01T16:20:13.247Z [V4L2:AUTO] The device doesnt report frame rate settings 2024-07-01T16:20:13.247Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:105) LUT folder location: '/usr/share/hyperhdr/lut' 2024-07-01T16:20:13.247Z [V4L2:AUTO] LUT file is not found here: /root/.hyperhdr/lut_lin_tables.3d 2024-07-01T16:20:13.247Z [V4L2:AUTO] (Grabber.cpp:457) LUT file found: /usr/share/hyperhdr/lut/lut_lin_tables.3d 2024-07-01T16:20:13.247Z [V4L2:AUTO] (Grabber.cpp:472) Index 2 for YUV 2024-07-01T16:20:13.248Z [WEBSERVER] Setup SSL certificate 2024-07-01T16:20:13.251Z [WEBSERVER] Setup private SSL key 2024-07-01T16:20:13.252Z [WEBSERVER] Started: 'HyperHDR WebServer (HTTPS)' on port: 8092 2024-07-01T16:20:13.252Z [SSDP] (SSDPHandler.cpp:42) SSDPHandler is initializing 2024-07-01T16:20:13.252Z [SSDP] (SSDPHandler.cpp:183) The local address is: 2024-07-01T16:20:13.252Z [SSDP] (SSDPServer.cpp:95) Initialize the SSDP server 2024-07-01T16:20:13.253Z [WEBSERVER] (StaticFileServing.cpp:68) SSDP description is set up 2024-07-01T16:20:13.253Z [SSDP] Starting the SSDP server 2024-07-01T16:20:13.313Z [V4L2:AUTO] Found and loaded LUT: '/usr/share/hyperhdr/lut/lut_lin_tables.3d' 2024-07-01T16:20:13.313Z [V4L2:AUTO] Video pixel format is set to: UYVY 2024-07-01T16:20:13.326Z [V4L2:AUTO] Started 2024-07-01T16:20:13.345Z [V4L2:AUTO] (V4L2Grabber.cpp:1202) Worker's thread count = 3 2024-07-01T16:20:13.457Z [MUXER0] Set visible priority to 255 2024-07-01T16:20:13.457Z [HYPERHDR0] New priority[255], previous [255] 2024-07-01T16:20:13.457Z [HYPERHDR0] No source left -> switch LED-Device off 2024-07-01T16:20:13.458Z [SMOOTHING0] Clearing queued colors before: disabling 2024-07-01T16:20:13.458Z [SMOOTHING0] Smoothing queue is cleared 2024-07-01T16:20:13.458Z [COLORSPACE_CALIBRATION0] (ColorSpaceCalibration.cpp:224) setBackLightEnabled: 0 2024-07-01T16:20:13.458Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:297) Disable the device 2024-07-01T16:20:13.458Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:381) Stopping refresh timer 2024-07-01T16:20:13.458Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:90) Switch off 2024-07-01T16:20:13.458Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:126) Power Off 2024-07-01T16:20:13.458Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:544) Set LED strip to black/power off 2024-07-01T16:20:13.481Z [COMPONENTCTRL0] LED device: disabled 2024-07-01T16:20:13.505Z [MUXER0] Priority 240 is now active 2024-07-01T16:20:13.505Z [MUXER0] Set visible priority to 240 2024-07-01T16:20:13.505Z [HYPERHDR0] New priority[240], previous [255] 2024-07-01T16:20:13.509Z [HYPERHDR0] New source available -> switch LED-Device on 2024-07-01T16:20:13.509Z [SMOOTHING0] Clearing queued colors before: enabling 2024-07-01T16:20:13.509Z [SMOOTHING0] Smoothing queue is cleared 2024-07-01T16:20:13.509Z [COLORSPACE_CALIBRATION0] (ColorSpaceCalibration.cpp:224) setBackLightEnabled: 1 2024-07-01T16:20:13.510Z [IMAGETOLED_MNG0] Total index number is: 22074 (memory: 22074). User sparse processing is: enabled, image size: 1900 x 1060, area number: 146 2024-07-01T16:20:13.510Z [IMAGETOLED_MNG0] Total index number is: 22074 (memory: 22074). User sparse processing is: enabled, image size: 1900 x 1060, area number: 146 2024-07-01T16:20:13.511Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:247) Enable the device 2024-07-01T16:20:13.512Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:64) Switch on 2024-07-01T16:20:13.512Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:140) Power On 2024-07-01T16:20:13.512Z [LEDDEVICE0_WS281X] (LedDevice.cpp:367) Starting timer with interval = 20ms 2024-07-01T16:20:13.512Z [COMPONENTCTRL0] LED device: enabled 2024-07-01T16:20:14.747Z [SERVICE_mDNS] Starting the network discovery thread 2024-07-01T16:20:17.137Z [WEBSOCKET] (WebSocketClient.cpp:40) New connection from ::ffff: 2024-07-01T16:20:25.216Z [IMAGETOLED_MNG0] Total index number is: 19895 (memory: 19895). User sparse processing is: enabled, image size: 1900 x 1060, area number: 146 2024-07-01T16:20:44.170Z [IMAGETOLED_MNG0] Total index number is: 22074 (memory: 22074). User sparse processing is: enabled, image size: 1900 x 1060, area number: 146 2024-07-01T16:21:57.675Z [IMAGETOLED_MNG0] Total index number is: 21318 (memory: 21318). User sparse processing is: enabled, image size: 1900 x 1060, area number: 46 2024-07-01T16:21:57.675Z [COLORSPACE_CALIBRATION0] classicMode: no, gammas:[1.50, 1.50, 1.50], saturation: 1.00, luminance: 1.00, backLight: [enabled, threshold: 1, colored: yes] 2024-07-01T16:21:57.675Z [LED_CALIBRATION0] (LedCalibration.cpp:101) Calibration config '0' for LED segment: [0, 45] 2024-07-01T16:21:57.675Z [LED_CALIBRATION0] (LedCalibration.cpp:96) LedCalibration is released 2024-07-01T16:22:13.101Z [PERFORMANCE] [USB: FPS = 17.06, decoding = 155ms, frames = 1024, invalid = 0, mode = direct], [INSTANCE0: FPS = 17.08, processed = 1024], [LED0: FPS = 67.08, send = 4022, processed = 1024, dropped = 0] 2024-07-01T16:22:13.101Z [V4L2:AUTO] Video cache: size: 2, hits: 2020, needed: 1, cleanup: 0, limit: 8 2024-07-01T16:23:13.060Z [V4L2:AUTO] Video cache: size: 1, hits: 1005, needed: 1, cleanup: 0, limit: 8 2024-07-01T16:23:13.118Z [PERFORMANCE] [USB: FPS = 16.75, decoding = 156ms, frames = 1004, invalid = 0, mode = direct], [INSTANCE0: FPS = 16.74, processed = 1005], [LED0: FPS = 66.75, send = 4007, processed = 1005, dropped = 0] 2024-07-01T16:24:05.022Z [WEBSOCKET] (HyperAPI.cpp:955) log streaming activated for client ::ffff: 2024-07-01T16:24:13.053Z [V4L2:AUTO] Video cache: size: 2, hits: 1018, needed: 1, cleanup: 0, limit: 8 2024-07-01T16:24:13.074Z [PERFORMANCE] [USB: FPS = 16.99, decoding = 155ms, frames = 1019, invalid = 0, mode = direct], [INSTANCE0: FPS = 17.00, processed = 1019], [LED0: FPS = 66.98, send = 4016, processed = 1019, dropped = 0]

awawa-dev commented 5 days ago

Hi I'm afraid I'm not sure where is the problem. If it's related to the LED geometry designer could you provide screenshots?

jsammarco commented 5 days ago

Thanks. Attached are images of the 2 configuration and the results. Thank you for your support.

awawa-dev commented 5 days ago

In such a case, it is impossible for me to achieve this effect on my setup and if I cannot repeat it, I cannot verify it or possibly fix it. I propose a different approach. Use a static image test board (jpg or png), you can upload it via remote->effect. Also set the driver to debug->file to redirect the RGB output to a file and look for any errors there. If you find any, the output will be necessary along with a backup of your configuration and a test board.

jsammarco commented 4 days ago

Thanks. Great idea. I will work on that tonight. It's not bad the way I have it but I know the resolution could be better without grouping.

awawa-dev commented 4 days ago

I am also using the new version you made for my HDMI to CSI board. (Which another issue is that it never recovers if the video source goes out. I have to restart the service each time.)

Assuming that you have only one instance (it won't work in such a simple way if there are more) in HyperHDR, when you turn the USB capture off and on in the remote control tab, won't it start working again? what's in the logs when you try it?