away3d / away3d-core-openfl

Away3D engine for OpenFL
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issue with view3D.dispose() #64

Open ramsestom opened 8 years ago

ramsestom commented 8 years ago

I have an ObjectContainer3D OC1 that contains 2 other ObjectContainer3D OC2 and OC3 (containing each one a mesh). If I add only OC1 as child to my view3D, calling the view3D.dispose() function make the program to crash with this error:

Null Object Reference Called from openfl._legacy.display.Stage.pollTimers (openfl/_legacy/display/Stage.hx line 1084) Called from openfl._legacy.display.Stage.checkRender (openfl/_legacy/display/Stage.hx line 351) Called from openfl._legacy.display.Stage.render (openfl/_legacy/display/Stage.hx line 1103) Called from openfl._legacy.display.DisplayObjectContainer.broadcast (openfl/_legacy/display/DisplayObjectContainer.hx line 286) Called from openfl._legacy.display.DisplayObject.broadcast (openfl/_legacy/display/DisplayObject.hx line 161) Called from openfl._legacy.display.DisplayObject.dispatchEvent (openfl/_legacy/display/DisplayObject.hx line 182) Called from (openfl/_legacy/events/EventDispatcher.hx line 98) Called from flixel.FlxGame.onEnterFrame (flixel/FlxGame.hx line 523) Called from flixel.FlxGame.step (flixel/FlxGame.hx line 681) Called from flixel.FlxGame.update (flixel/FlxGame.hx line 701) Called from flixel.FlxGame.switchState (flixel/FlxGame.hx line 608) Called from gui.states.PlayState3D.destroy (gui/states/PlayState3D.hx line 289) Called from away3d.containers.View3D.dispose (away3d/containers/View3D.hx line 1003) Called from away3d.core.managers.Stage3DProxy.dispose (away3d/core/managers/Stage3DProxy.hx line 151) Called from away3d.core.managers.Stage3DProxy.freeContext3D (away3d/core/managers/Stage3DProxy.hx line 492) Called from (openfl/_legacy/events/EventDispatcher.hx line 98) Called from away3d.core.managers.AGALProgram3DCache.onContext3DDisposed (away3d/core/managers/AGALProgram3DCache.hx line 58) Called from away3d.core.managers.AGALProgram3DCache.dispose (away3d/core/managers/AGALProgram3DCache.hx line 68) Called from away3d.core.managers.AGALProgram3DCache.destroyProgram (away3d/core/managers/AGALProgram3DCache.hx line 115) Called from openfl.display3D.Program3D.dispose (openfl/display3D/Program3D.hx line 25) Called from openfl.display3D.Context3D.__deleteProgram (openfl/display3D/Context3D.hx line 229)

Now, If my ObjectContainer3D OC1 only contains 1 Mesh (instead of OC2 and OC3), there is no error. view3D.dispose() succed. The same thing if I I only put OC2 (with 1 mesh) as child of OC1 (so whithout OC3) and then put OC1 as single child of view3D (everything is fine in that case). The issue only appear if I have in my view3D an ObjectContainer3D with more than 1 child in it...

ramsestom commented 8 years ago

Any clue how to fix this?

Greg209 commented 8 years ago

Not had chance to look yet I'm afraid - Been very busy recently. I will try to look a bit later this evening to see if there is anything obvious causing it.

smks commented 8 years ago

Also getting this error. Please find a fix :(

VMan-2002 commented 7 months ago

it's been 8 years any updates?

Greg209 commented 7 months ago

Years ago, this repository was migrated to which has seen some updates. Probably best to try that one, if possible.

VMan-2002 commented 7 months ago

ok 👍