away3d / away3d-core-openfl

Away3D engine for OpenFL
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openfl 3.5.3 support and animateUVs2 added #73

Closed peteshand closed 8 years ago

peteshand commented 8 years ago

OpenFL 3.5.3 support added support to be able to animate offsetU, offsetV, scaleU, scaleV on secondaryUVs added Lots of getters and setters changed to use shorthand version, eg var name(get, set):Int instead of var name(get_name, set_name):Int

peteshand commented 8 years ago

Let me know if there is anything you'd like me to change before this can be merged.

Greg209 commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the PR. One quick question. Any special reason for changing the filters3d to be Vector rather than Array? My preference would be to maintain typing and the ability to do view3d.filters3d = [ a 3d filter, another 3d filter ];

peteshand commented 8 years ago

Hey Grey, yeah fair call regarding the Vector stuff, I think I had some conflicts with a library that extends Away3d or resolved it incorrectly. I've reverted to use Vector instead. Also are you planning on making an update on haxelib at some stage?

Greg209 commented 8 years ago

Yes - definitely want to do an update and haxelib release, hopefully will find some time over the next few days. It'll be more of a compatability update (thanks to your PR) and other changes along the way and version updates. No major changes.

peteshand commented 8 years ago

Cool, yeah the only real issue has to do with openfl 3.5.3 incompatibilities.

Justinfront commented 8 years ago

I am still keen to see NME supported as well?

peteshand commented 8 years ago

Hey @Justinfront

What exactly do you mean by "NME support", do you mean using NME as the underlying renderer for Away3D, or you simply would like to mix NME and Away3D in the same application?

Justinfront commented 8 years ago

These submodules I would need to port to NME to be able to port our Kiosk apps to haxe. I have no interest loosing weekends trying to work out why Openfl will not setup properly on a mac, I have used nme and openfl for a long time on experiments and they are both great products but nme can be setup from terminal, openfl setup is more of a lottery, and the main reason I have been reluctant to try to pitch in with greg's away3d port, I much prefer to explore luxe and kha that setup easily. Also in terms of NME it would be great to have acadnme away3d version.

peteshand commented 8 years ago

OpenFL setup is super easy in FlashDevelop, maybe you could run it in BootCamp or a VM.

But yeah wow, those are a lot of libraries. If you're not interested in OpenFL it's probably not just help to you, but a lot of them have been ported to OpenFL.

Easily replaced:


The rest are missing as far as I know.

Justinfront commented 8 years ago

What are the current show stoppers for away3d NME support?

Greg209 commented 8 years ago

As far as Away3d for NME, as far as I know (cos I haven't touched NME for ages), primarily it's the implementation of Stage3D that needs porting back, which shouldn't be too big a deal really but I've just not had time.

As for Mac OpenFl setup, I've not really had a problem with it and now there is an installer AFAIK (but I've not had reason to try it as it's been working fine for me all along).

fresh-flash commented 8 years ago

@peteshand, thanks for a big update. In Cast.hx line 29 also change ByteArray to ByteArrayData. Also what about html5 perfomance? Using last libraries and this update I get 5-10 fps at html5 target. Using away3d 1.1.0, lime 2.7.0, openfl 3.3.9 I get stable 60 fps at html5. Flash target gives always 60 fps.

peteshand commented 8 years ago

Hey @fresh-flash Do you have a staging link you can share? If you open the console are you seeing any WebGL errors? Also are you running in Release or Debug?

fresh-flash commented 8 years ago

@peteshand, sorry for trouble, it was cache of old version, now all works perfect on all targets. Thanks)

peteshand commented 8 years ago

@fresh-flash no worries, good to hear everything is working well for you now.