awaytools / AwayExtensions-C4D

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Not working for me with C4D R15 #2

Open tonghae opened 10 years ago

tonghae commented 10 years ago

Trying to export this object but nothing goes on output. Am i doing it wrong?

80prozent commented 10 years ago

Hi tonghae

The AwayExtensions-C4D will get a refactor soon.

At this point there are several issues with export of animation. Export of static scenes should work fine.

Please try using this version: This version contains some small fixes, that are not updated to github yet.

If this does not work for you, feel free to contact me at If you are willing to show me your c4d-scene, i think i will be able to find the problem.

Note that once the exporter has crashed when exporting a c4d-scene, the c4d-scene might be broken. So please backup your work before trying to export.

Also, if the export fails again, you can open the "script-console" in c4d. There should be some output printed in there, that gives information on why the export failed.

hope that is of any help.

tonghae commented 10 years ago

Thanks for answer, test version don't saving file either, but at least model don't affected in editor window. Here is console output: And the scene itself:

Sean72 commented 10 years ago

The test version is working for me with your test file on R15.057 (Win).

There was an issue with PNG files in the R15 exporter that didn't occur when exporting files from R13. However, this is working in the test version linked above. There was another patch that might help, but it is slightly older than the one linked above...

If that doesn't work, try replacing the PNG files with e.g. JPGs until the plugin is re-factored. It is actually an awesome plugin, it takes into account vertex normal tags as well, which are important if you use imported CAD models.

80prozent commented 10 years ago

hey sean and tonghae Thanks for testing. I just tested in r15.008 with the version i posted above, and for me i is working. Cheers


tonghae commented 10 years ago

Still nothing. Replaced textures to jpg versions, replaced plugin files to Sean72's, and still nothing goes to output:

tonghae commented 10 years ago

Are there some other ways to import 3d models with texture UVs and animation into Away3d at this moment? Maybe from Bender or 3ds max? Think it's possible to use 3ds max via Parallels Desktop with my OS X if it's the only editor compatible with Away3d for now.

Sean72 commented 10 years ago

Can't understand it, but I don't have a Mac to test on. Here is what my console says after running successfully on your coin file:

I'm not a developer on this project, but I do use Away3D and the plug-ins. For the sake of troubleshooting, you might try deleting all textures and texture tags and see if the problem persists, that would rule out it being only a texture issue.

Meanwhile, you can work around this by using Away Builder. It will import obj and 3ds and a few others, so you can run the workflow that way, especially if your models are relatively simple.

Though it is older than AwayBuilder, there is also Prefab3D:

There is a 3DS Max plugin currently in development, with a link to one version on this page on the right. If you ask, a newer version may also be available.

80prozent commented 10 years ago

At this point, the 3dsmax exporter is indeed the most advanced one. You can get it here:

This version has a problem with unsupported textures, so make sure you use png/jpg with size of pow2. The 3dsmax exporter is not official released yet. We will release the plugin together with some more documentation soon. The installer-package that you can download contains a help-doc.

The cinema4d exporter was tested on mac until r14. for r15 i had no chance to test on mac yet, so maybe thats the problem here. I think i can get access to a mac and test in next days...

I also working on a maya exporter, but in last weeks, i had not much time for it...

I hope i get both maya and c4d plugins to the same stage as the 3dsmax within the next 2-3 month.

I also did some tests with blender exporter, but there is lot of problems and stuff to do for that, so this will not be finish very soon.

As sean mentioned above, you can always export your models and animations into another format (collada for animations) and import those into AwayBuilder. Once you have everything in AwayBuilder, you can edit material-settings etc, and save out as AWD.