awcodes / filament-tiptap-editor

A Rich Text Editor plugin for Filament Forms.
MIT License
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Extending the media modal? #249

Open haleyngonadi opened 11 months ago

haleyngonadi commented 11 months ago

Filament Version


Plugin Version


PHP Version

PHP 8.2

Problem description

Following up on this discussion: I'm trying to extend the existing MediaAction to allow for an "align" attribute.

Here's my custom MediaAction (which doesn't work)

class MediaAction extends Action
    public static function getDefaultName(): ?string
        return 'filament_tiptap_media';

    protected function setUp(): void

                'src' => '',
                'alt' => '',
                'title' => '',
                'align' => '',
                'width' => '',
                'height' => '',
            ->mountUsing(function (TiptapEditor $component, ComponentContainer $form, array $arguments) {
                $source = $arguments['src'] !== ''
                    ? $component->getDirectory() . Str::of($arguments['src'])
                    : null;

                    'src' => $source,
                    'alt' => $arguments['alt'] ?? '',
                    'title' => $arguments['title'] ?? '',
                    'align' => $arguments['align'] ?? '',
                    'width' => $arguments['width'] ?? '',
                    'height' => $arguments['height'] ?? '',
            })->modalHeading(function (TiptapEditor $component, array $arguments) {
                $context = blank($arguments['src'] ?? null) ? 'insert' : 'update';

                return __('filament-tiptap-editor::media-modal.heading.' . $context);
            })->form(function (TiptapEditor $component) {
                return [
                        ->afterStateUpdated(function (TemporaryUploadedFile $state, callable $set) {
                            if (Str::contains($state->getMimeType(), 'image')) {
                                $set('type', 'image');
                            } else {
                                $set('type', 'document');
                        ->saveUploadedFileUsing(function (BaseFileUpload $component, TemporaryUploadedFile $file, callable $set) {
                            $filename = $component->shouldPreserveFilenames() ? pathinfo($file->getClientOriginalName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME) : Str::uuid();

                            $storeMethod = $component->getVisibility() === 'public' ? 'storePubliclyAs' : 'storeAs';

                            if (Storage::disk($component->getDiskName())->exists(ltrim($component->getDirectory() . '/' . $filename . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(), '/'))) {
                                $filename = $filename . '-' . time();

                            if (Str::contains($file->getMimeType(), 'image')) {
                                if (config('filesystems.disks.s3.driver') === 's3') {
                                    $image = Image::make($file->readStream());
                                } else {
                                    $image = Image::make($file->getRealPath());

                                $set('width', $image->getWidth());
                                $set('height', $image->getHeight());

                            $upload = $file->{$storeMethod}($component->getDirectory(), $filename . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(), $component->getDiskName());

                            return Storage::disk($component->getDiskName())->url($upload);
                        ->visible(fn (callable $get) => $get('type') == 'document'),
                        ->hidden(fn (callable $get) => $get('type') == 'document')
                                ->url('', true)
                            'left' => 'Left',
                            'center' => 'Center',
                            'right' => 'Right',
            })->action(function (TiptapEditor $component, $data) {
                if (config('filament-tiptap-editor.use_relative_paths')) {
                    $source = Str::replace(config('app.url'), '', $data['src']);
                } else {
                    $source = str_starts_with($data['src'], 'http')
                        ? $data['src']
                        : Storage::disk(config('filament-tiptap-editor.disk'))->url($data['src']);

                    type: 'media',
                    statePath: $component->getStatePath(),
                    media: [
                        'src' => $source,
                        'alt' => $data['alt'] ?? null,
                        'title' => $data['title'],
                        'class' => $data['align'] ? 'align-' . $data['align'] : null,
                        'width' => $data['width'],
                        'height' => $data['height'],
                        'align' => $data['align'],
                        'link_text' => $data['link_text'] ?? null,

Expected behavior

When you insert an image, the "align" attribute should be added to the img tag, like so tag.

Steps to reproduce


Reproduction repository

No response

Relevant log output

No response

awcodes commented 11 months ago

According to MDN the 'align' attribute has been deprecated for images.

I recommend inserting the image then using the alignment tools from the toolbar.

haleyngonadi commented 11 months ago

Hi @awcodes, I wasn't trying to use the align attribute per se; I just wanted to be able to add a custom class to the image. Is that something that can be done?

awcodes commented 11 months ago

Ah. ok. i'll reopen then.

rubenlopezgea-at-coodex commented 1 month ago

Many time after this, I'm back. I don't want to open a new issue, as it's the same subject.

It'd be great to be able to add more params. For example, srcset or sizes (as I'm trying to do) I can make the PHP part for it, but as soon as it gets to plugins.js, it removes all attributes not in this list:


    src: src,
    alt: media?.alt,
    title: media?.title,
    width: media?.width,
    height: media?.height,
    lazy: media?.lazy,

Here there's a list of all possible attributes:

and of course, some global attributes as:

and some event handlers:

Adding all those to plugin.js would help us to make any plugin with ease.

awcodes commented 1 month ago

I'm open to PRs. Haven't forgotten about the original issue. Just haven't had the time. Sorry.

rubenlopezgea-at-coodex commented 1 month ago

The plugin is awesome. Let me first of all thank you for it.

I've already made a PR with those properties needed for responsive images coming from spatie/laravel-medialibrary

awcodes commented 1 month ago

I'll look at the PR when I get a chance. Thank you.