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Scrum Update #5 #52

Open awctw opened 1 year ago

awctw commented 1 year ago

What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? Name & CSID

awctw commented 1 year ago

Annabelle Wang c1s2b

Worked on deployment of front end and backend for this past two weeks setting it so that we could still have localhost and deploy with environment variables and helped debug and test other team member's features. An issue I ran into was react-router-dom having issues when deploying so I had to rewrite the client routing for multi-page to work. For the future, I plan on working on code cleanup, helping with chat bugs and styling.

HeinzUBC commented 1 year ago

CS ID: r4e1b Peter

  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?

During the past iteration, I have done the following.

  1. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?

The main challenge was learning to add the react-calendar component correctly into the TODOList dashboard module. It was a learning curve, but I was able to successfully reference examples online to figure out how to complete the update.

  1. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?
kush458 commented 1 year ago

Name: Kush Arora csid: l8i3b

For the past iteration, I worked on enhancing our existing chat functionality by improving UI and integrating real-time foreground and background notifications using Firebase. One hurdle I ran into was while implementing background notifications, wherein a user would receive two notifications for the same message instead of just one. For the next two weeks, I plan on helping with bug fixes for our chat feature and further styling our app.

leungkenneth commented 1 year ago

Name: Kenneth Leung csid: c4o1b

This past iteration I worked on some improvements and fixes for the Gantt Chart, such as making the size of the vertical axis customizable and adding minimum and maximum values for axis scales, and writing up a draft of the final report. One challenge I ran into was that it was difficult to hunt down a bug which caused the Gantt Chart to use old data, from before the addition of data or from the previous minute, due to the transient, time-based nature of the bug. In the coming iteration, I plan to make some final fixes for the Gantt Chart, perform some Gantt Chart code refactoring due to the addition of a 'color' field to 'Category' documents (which the 'Habit' model will now also use), and finalize the final report.

AlanZhangDev commented 1 year ago

Name: Alan Zhang csid: g2e2h

Over the past iteration, I mainly worked on the functionality of the habits module; I created a dates array for habits that stores all dates where you checked the box, and toggling checkboxes that automatically updates the dates array. Furthermore, I made the state of the checkboxes being checked vs. unchecked as persistent. The main challenge I ran into was trying to implement the heatmap functionality, since it is new to me. For this upcoming iteration, I plan to create the heat map visualization and finalize the habits functionality.