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06 Implement backend full site editing block based theme and editorial workflow #6

Open victorkane opened 3 years ago

victorkane commented 3 years ago

Once we have an initial functioning back end with initial legacy migration completed (#5) , we need to set up an initial block-based full site editing (FSE) to allow for wysiwyg content editing.

Then we can proceed to implement initial front end Frontity app (awebfactory/frontity-awf#1, awebfactory/frontity-awf#4) and others, like an Eleventy SSG and Next.js hybrid SSG based sites, various mobile apps, etc.) which consume the back end.

So we'll initially choose an experimental FSE block based theme suitable for this project, and get it going quickly; and implement that initially at least in Frontity (awebfactory/frontity-awf#4) ourselves.

Later we may make our own block based fse theme for Gutenberg and re-implement in Frontity, Eleventy, Next, etc., once Gutenberg FSE is more stable and our experience with that environment grows.

victorkane commented 3 years ago

Select suitable experimental theme


We could choose from among WordPress/theme-experiments.

One of these is wonderfully documented in the author's online fullediting course and repo carolinan / fullsiteediting: Armando. It also has many features. There is a review here: Armando WordPress Theme Provides Insight Into the Current State of Full Site Editing.

Carolina Nymark's site Full Site Editing is the best place to start for all of this. Especially the Full site editing for theme developers course.

Or Block based Bosco which has made its way to the WordPress Theme Directory. See review: Block-Based Bosco, Second Full-Site Editing Theme Lands in the WordPress Directory

See course by author of Block Based Bosco, Kjell Reigstad, Building Block-Based Themes. How To Create A Theme For Full-Site Editing In As Little As A Week. (... even if you’re not familiar with Gutenberg)

Also reviewed by WPTavern is the Hansen Theme: Build a Full WordPress Site via Block Patterns With the Hansen Theme.


Decision: Create our own starter theme using the Gutenberg theme experiments command-line generator

victorkane commented 3 years ago

Steps to port initial version of AWebFactory theme

We'll do this the Gutenberg fun way: just get it done interactively, then export and enshrine in theme (resetting to theme settings and testing at each step to make sure we got everything).

Here's what we just did based on all of the above.

Initial steps to support custom fonts

Set up global styles

victorkane commented 3 years ago

Note: We are pivoting to block ready theme until WordPress full site editing is production ready, from this issue to 06 Implement backend advanced block ready theme and editorial workflow #7. Our backend CMS and content REST API is now to be based on the very advanced block ready (but not full site editing block based) Michelle theme.

In this way we will be able to more quickly set up our still headless WordPress site, and when the time is ripe accompany the vanguard of the WordPress community in migrating to full site editing in either WordPress 5.8 or WordPress 5.9. (and have a blog to do it with after having paralyzed it in 2015 due to apocalyptic industry "growing" pains)