awebox / awebox

Modelling and optimal control of single- and multiple-kite systems for airborne wind energy
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
22 stars 16 forks source link

Basic example not working #141

Open ufechner7 opened 2 months ago

ufechner7 commented 2 months ago

I was now able to install awebox on Ubuntu 22.04 thanks to the latest fixes.

But running the first example

python3 examples/

fails with the following message:

INFO:   WARNING: Optimization of Trial (Ampyx_AP2) failed.
WARNING:    energy balance for node total of trial Ampyx_AP2 not consistent. 7.2758259222218395 > 0.1
WARNING:    #################################################
WARNING:    QUALITY CHECK results for Ampyx_AP2:
WARNING:    6 of 8 tests passed.
WARNING:    2 tests failed. Solution might be numerically unsound.
WARNING:    For more information, use trial.quality.print_results()
WARNING:    #################################################
Parameter / output      Optimal value  Dimension
--------------------  ---------------  -----------
Average power output           0       kW
Time period                   21.6828  s
Main tether diameter           2       mm
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
Average power: 0 kW

Any idea?

I do not have the closed source solvers installed, still waiting for a license...

jdeschut commented 1 month ago

Indeed this might be related to the missing HSL libraries. You might check if you can run the code if you change the following line:

options['solver.linear_solver'] = 'mumps'