awesome-print / awesome_print

Pretty print your Ruby objects with style -- in full color and with proper indentation
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include add files under spec/ in built gem #297

Closed mmoll closed 7 years ago

mmoll commented 7 years ago

The background of this change is that Debian packages of Rubygems should run thier tests after building to find problems, so having everything available what's needed for the tests to run is crucial.

gerrywastaken commented 7 years ago

@mmoll I think that was an accidental omission. Thanks for the fix and sorry about the wait. Thanks for helping our gem play nicely with Debian.

For posterity, can you point to any docs explaining this requirement on Debian or any link related to it?

mmoll commented 7 years ago

@gerrywastaken thanks for accepting! is the closest I found, although the reasoning is not 100% explained. It's mainly just about making sure that the specific version combination of the gems packaged in one Debian distribution play nice with each other.

gerrywastaken commented 7 years ago

@mmoll Thanks for the doc and the PR. :)

gerrywastaken commented 7 years ago

Quoting the relevant part for posterity:

Case four: missing test folder from rubygems org

Sometimes, gems are not packaged with their test folders. Often, these are present at upstream, e.g., at github.

Download the tarball from the upstream source (you may need to convert it to .tar.gz yourself), then run dh-make-ruby .tar.gz.

Then cd to ruby- and run dpkg-buildpackage.

Look for any lines saying "no test suites found" and proceed further accordingly ignore the key signing and other warnings for now..

Note: Request for upstream to include tests in future version of the gem itself. See for an example.

I can see how that would be an annoyance for anybody building the package.