awesome-webextension / webpack-target-webextension

WebExtension Target for Webpack 5. Supports code-splitting and HMR.
MIT License
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Conflict with HtmlWebpackPlugin - "Error: No chrome or browser runtime found" #35

Closed Juraj-Masiar closed 2 years ago

Juraj-Masiar commented 2 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to fix the dynamic imports in MV3 so I've added new WebExtension into the plugins array:

      new WebExtension({
        background: {
          entry: `background_gsd.worker`,
          // !! Add this to support manifest v3
          manifest: 3,

And it seems to fix the background service worker, but at the same time my compilation now fails in the HtmlWebpackPlugin, which doesn't make sense to me:

ERROR in   Error: No chrome or browser runtime found

  - reload.html:81 Object.get runtime [as runtime]

  - reload.html:83

  - reload.html:84

  - reload.html:118

  - node:vm:139 Script.runInContext

  - index.js:142 HtmlWebpackPlugin.evaluateCompilationResult

  - index.js:324

  - async Promise.all

  - async Promise.all

Removing the new WebExtension(... from the plugins list fixes the problem so there must be some correlation I don't see. Can you help? Or do I need to provide some example project? Thanks!

Jack-Works commented 2 years ago

You need this:

Juraj-Masiar commented 2 years ago

Thank you! It works now. I should have read the readme till the very end :)