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Discussion: Potential gears.wallpaper improvements #2596

Open Sorky opened 5 years ago

Sorky commented 5 years ago

Idea: Move "set_wallpaper" into gears.wallpaper [remove code users don't need to touch in rc.lua]

Plus: Allow table : beautiful.wallpaper = {'bg_1.png', 'bg_2.png'}

Plus: Allow functions to do things like Get_Random_Filename

Plus: Allow beautiful.wallpaper to work without a path [use beautiful.theme_path variables]

Plus: Emphasize the use of gears.wallpaper.maximized, tiled, centered & fit

Plus: Update the doco for all the uses of beautiful.wallpaper and clarify the file path

Possible change from...

local function set_wallpaper(s)
    -- Wallpaper
    if beautiful.wallpaper then
        local wallpaper = beautiful.wallpaper
        -- If wallpaper is a function, call it with the screen
        if type(wallpaper) == "function" then
            wallpaper = wallpaper(s)
        gears.wallpaper.maximized(wallpaper, s, true)

-- Re-set wallpaper when a screen's geometry changes (e.g. different resolution)
screen.connect_signal("property::geometry", set_wallpaper)

    -- Wallpaper


-- Re-set wallpaper when a screen's geometry changes (e.g. different resolution)
    gears.wallpaper.maximized(beautiful.wallpaper, s, true, beautiful.wallpaper_path)

    -- Wallpaper
    gears.wallpaper.maximized(beautiful.wallpaper, s, true, beautiful.wallpaper_path)

Plus incorporate what was removed with updates in gears.wallpaper...

Benefits summary...

Elv13 commented 5 years ago


Allow function such as 'Get_Random_Filename' to be used

I am not sure about this. It seems like a feature creep rabit hole.

Update and clarify documentation


Reduce code users shouldn't need to touch in rc.lua [...] Add table of backgrounds for multiple screen systems

This goal is something we could make progress on.

May I propose to turn gears.wallpaper into an (object) class (moved to awful.wallpaper?). This object could have the tiled/stretched/centered mode as mutually exclusive boolean properties. The object would also have a screen property and track its own screen changes internally. Also, such class would have the ability to use programmatic wallpaper or wallpaper built out of a widget hierarchy (like the xresources wallpaper or @actionless hotkey popup directly burned into the wallpaper).

This approach is closer to the "declarative API paradigm" we try to move toward and completely remove the imperative logic from rc.lua. Coupled with the request::wallpaper proposed in #2507, we would have an API that provides all the features you proposed above (the random wallpaper would be achieved by adding a timer object and a new gears.filesystem.get_random_file_from_directory).

This seems to me a more manageable way forward and a stronger base to add new features if it turns out to be beneficial.


-- Change the wallpaper every 30 minutes with a random file
screen.connect_signal("request::wallpaper", function(s)
    local w = awful.wallpaper {
        stretch   = false,
        placement = awful.placement.centered,
        screen    = s,
        file_path = beautiful.theme_path .. "/walls/nice_wallpaper.png",

    gears.timer {
        interval  = 1800,
        autostart = true,
        callback  = function()
            w.file_path = gears.filesystem.get_random_file_from_directory(
                beautiful.theme_path .. "/walls/"

Note that the example above is much larger than what would be in the default rc.lua.

Sorky commented 5 years ago

May I propose to turn gears.wallpaper into an (object) class (moved to awful.wallpaper?).

I was only thinking of a smallish change but that sounds interesting

If a random file piece is wanted...

local os = { clock = os.clock }
local math = { random = math.random, randomseed = math.randomseed }
local table = { insert = table.insert }
math.randomseed( os.clock() % 1 * 1e6 )
--- Get a random file from a given directory.
-- @param string path The directory to search.
-- @tparam optional string extensions Only search files with specific extensions
--   [eg: { "jpg", "png" }. If ommited or nil, all files are considered.
-- @return A string containing a randomly selected filename.
function filesystem.get_random_file_from_directory(path, extensions)
    local files_in_path, valid_extensions = {}, {}

    -- Transform { "jpg", ... } into { [jpg] = true, ... }
    if extensions then
        for i, j in ipairs(extensions) do valid_extensions[j:lower()] = true end

    -- Build a table of files from the path with the given extensions
    local file_list = Gio.File.new_for_path(path):enumerate_children("standard::name", 0)
    for file in function() return file_list:next_file() end do
        local file_name = file:get_attribute_as_string("standard::name")
        if not extensions or valid_extensions[file_name:lower():match("%.(.*)$")] then
            table.insert(files_in_path, file_name)

    -- Return a randomly selected file name
    return files_in_path[math.random(#files_in_path)]
Elv13 commented 5 years ago

Cool, please open a pull request for this.

I was only thinking of a smallish change but that sounds interesting

That's usually a better idea, but in this case the API is very imperative and just plain bad, let's replace it. So to recap what we need:

edit: further refine the spec

Sorky commented 5 years ago

What's the preference here - to do this or not?

local os = { clock = os.clock }
local math = { random = math.random, randomseed = math.randomseed }
local table = { insert = table.insert }
Elv13 commented 5 years ago

I am personally neutral. We usually only do it for the core API. On the other hand, it's a common pattern in Lua libraries. It's in theory faster, but again, that's a premature optimization. Others may disagree and ask you to remove it. So maybe better only doing this for capi and nothing else.

warptozero commented 5 years ago

@Sorky %.(.*)$ matches from the first dot it encounters, which will exclude filenames with dots in them from being valid. So you might want to change it to %.([^.]*)$.

Sorky commented 5 years ago

@Sorky %.(.*)$ matches from the first dot it encounters, which will exclude filenames with dots in them from being valid. So you might want to change it to %.([^.]*)$.

Good catch - I should have used what I did here:

Sorky commented 5 years ago

I even did some micro-timing...

local var1 = "%.([^.]*)$"
local var2 = ".file.ext"
local var3 = nil
for i = 0, 2^22 do var3 = var2:match(var1) end

time lua lua1

%.([^.]*)$      .file.ext       ext

real    0m1.308s
user    0m1.304s
sys     0m0.004s

time lua lua2

.*%.(.-)$       .file.ext       ext

real    0m1.020s
user    0m1.016s
sys     0m0.004s

time lua lua3

.*%.(.*)$       .file.ext       ext

real    0m0.914s
user    0m0.910s
sys     0m0.004s
warptozero commented 5 years ago

I even did some micro-timing...

So this is probably way overkill for what it's worth, but this lead me to also run a small test. And it looks like that, when correctness is defined as returning either the desired extension or nil, .+%.([^.]+)$ is the only correct pattern I came up with.

However returning an empty string is also fine in this case, and considering the timing is insignificant on the scale of a few thousand files, the most intuitive pattern that is correct enough might be the best one.

Anyhow this is probably not really worth the effort, but I found it interesting.

warptozero commented 5 years ago

An improved wallpaper module sounds awesome btw.

@Elv13 So if I understand it correctly: after compiling all the widgets and handeling the placement and such, the wallpaper gets rendered as an image the size of the screen?

Elv13 commented 5 years ago

@warptozero Yes, this method:

allows to dump widgets into a surface context. But before that we have to handle the wallpaper context. This is currently handled by:

awful.placement supports wallpaper friendly placement properties here:

Sorky commented 5 years ago

Nice test! Adding '.filename' is an excellent corner case as well. It makes sense to me not treat it as an extension and as such ".+" is definitely a better start to the regex

The returning either the desired extension or nil is a bit too restrictive as "" is also an acceptable return given the usage is as a table key where nil and "" achieve the same result but I figure However returning an empty string is also fine in this case means you recognized that

Modifying your test to allow for it...

correct patterns:

For which .+%.(.*)$ is the fastest

However if .+%.([^.]+)$ is seen as being preferable I'll happily use that

Anyhow this is probably not really worth the effort, but I found it interesting.

Same here ;-)

psychon commented 5 years ago

The returning either the desired extension or nil is a bit too restrictive as "" is also an acceptable return given the usage is as a table key where nil and "" achieve the same result.

They do?

$ lua -e 'a = {} a[""] = 42 a[nil] = 42'
lua: (command line):1: table index is nil
stack traceback:
    (command line):1: in main chunk
    [C]: in ?
Sorky commented 5 years ago

In context [the table is not written to by the user] they "achieve the same result"

Unless the user passes in {""} as the selected extensions in which case it potentially doesn't do what is requested [actually it currently does for files that end in "." but not for those without an extension]

Given I didn't consider it before I think I should probably allow for it