awesomeWM / awesome

awesome window manager
GNU General Public License v2.0
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switching to another tag while being in a Fullscreen game (Trackmania 2020), moves the game to that tag. #3344

Open Apig-Sharbo opened 3 years ago

Apig-Sharbo commented 3 years ago

Output of awesome --version:

awesome v4.3 (Too long)
 • Compiled against Lua 5.3.5 (running with Lua 5.3)
 • D-Bus support: ✔
 • execinfo support: ✔
 • xcb-randr version: 1.6
 • LGI version: 0.9.2

How to reproduce the issue:

Actual result:

The game window moves to the first tag you switch to and becomes minimized. I can switch tags normally when it is minimized, but once i click on it in the bar to maximize, the same issue repeats when switching tags.

NOTE: In lutris, wine has an option called "Windowed" mode which is off by default to run as fullscreen, turning it on fixes the issue. Although i don't think awesomewm should change the window tag location when simply switching to a different one, regardless of it being minimized or not.

Expected result:

The game should remain in the same tag, since i'm not changing the window tag location, simply going to a different tag.

And i guess it would be better if the game didn't minimize when switching tags (Although i'm not sure if that's a problem with awesomewm, since it behaves normally when the game is set to Windowed or Borderless Windowed mode or when wine in lutris is set to Windowed mode).

Also Steam games (eg: Quake Champions) seem to be working normally while in fullscreen with proton. I don't know if this helps, just though to mention it.

Distro: Manjaro

actionless commented 3 years ago

does it also happen in openbox?

Apig-Sharbo commented 3 years ago

I was using DWM before switching to Awesome, everything's fine there. No idea regarding openbox.