End of stylesheet, there is no closing bracket. This is probably not break some browser in simple way, but it breaks css concatting (like nginx-http-concat).
Types of changes
Bugfix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
[ ] I've selected the appropriate branch (ie x.y rather than master).
looks there are no branch...
[x] I've created an appropriate title, descriptive of what the PR does.
[ ] If I added, removed or modified any translatable strings, I updated the commonstrings.php file (free repository) accordingly or else opened an issue for it.
[ ] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective/my feature works or have created an issue for it (if appropriate).
[ ] I have added necessary documentation, or have created an issue for docs (if appropriate).
Testing instructions
Don't assume the tester knows the entire backstory of the issue, and don't force him/her to decipher the code to try and figure out what -it's doing or how to test it.
Do provide step by step instructions on how to test.
Do note things to watch out for.
Do note what aspects the tester should try and break.
Proposed changes
End of stylesheet, there is no closing bracket. This is probably not break some browser in simple way, but it breaks css concatting (like nginx-http-concat).
Types of changes
Testing instructions