awestlake87 / pyo3-asyncio

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RuntimeError: no running event loop #100

Open glennpierce opened 1 year ago

glennpierce commented 1 year ago

I am trying to port my code to pyo3_asyncio 0.15 from 0.13 And it all compiles. However, when I try to call an async main method in my python script I get the error

sys:1: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'main' was never awaited RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback RuntimeError: no running event loop

This used to work fine.

I believe it is because

I spawn threads like

let handle = tokio::spawn(async move { job.get_config().set_running(true);; job.get_config().set_running(false); job.get_config().set_have_run(true); job.get_config().update_last_tick(); });

and join them all like


In each thread in calls my script like

async fn run_python_script(script_id: Option, script_name: &str, script: &str, params: serde_json::Value) -> PyResult<()> { let (activators, user, version) = Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<(PyObject, String, String)> { let sys = py.import("sys")?; let version: String = sys.get("version")?.extract()?; let locals = [("os", py.import("os")?)].into_py_dict(py); let globals = PyDict::new(py); let code = "os.getenv('USER') or os.getenv('USERNAME') or 'Unknown'"; let user: String = py.eval(code, Some(&globals), Some(&locals))?.extract()?; let activators = PyModule::from_code(py, script, script_name, script_name)?; Ok((activators.into(), user, version)) })?;

    let relu_result = Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<_> {




I didn't quite understand the porting documentation here. Do I have to initialise each tokio::spawn thread somehow ?

Sorry for using issues I couldn't find a forum or discord to look for help.


glennpierce commented 1 year ago

Just to update I can run the loop script like

    let future = Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<_> {

            let asyncio = py.import("asyncio")?;

            // calling the py_sleep method like a normal function returns a coroutine
            let coroutine = activators.as_ref(py).getattr("main")?.call1((script_id,))?;

            let result = asyncio.call_method1("run", (coroutine,))?;

            // convert the coroutine into a Rust future


However, when calling a pyfunction from the python aync main the program hangs or deadlocks

fn set_store(py: Python, script_id: i32, data: String) -> PyResult<&PyAny> {

    pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move {

        println!("Never gets here");

        // Some rust function

        Python::with_gil(|py| {

            Ok(Python::with_gil(|py| py.None()))

I will have to revert to 0.13 for now as I have no idea why it hangs


awestlake87 commented 1 year ago

Sorry for taking so long to reply. The instantiation of the event loop behaves pretty differently after 0.13 since we had to cover more use-cases. The reason why you're getting that RuntimeError: no running event loop is because pyo3-asyncio no longer stores a global reference to the event loop. In pyo3-asyncio 0.14+ you have to provide the event loop to your tasks somehow.

Have you read through Event Loop References and ContextVars? Those docs should help explain why it changed / how to handle it in your code

glennpierce commented 1 year ago

That's ok. I thought I had read through that. I must confess after having no luck I separated out my python / rust through ipc / protocol buffers which was probably a cleaner solution anyway for me.


victorteokw commented 7 months ago

Same issue here.

awestlake87 commented 7 months ago

@victorteokw this error is not usually a bug, but more of a problem of making the code aware of the event loop you're using. I'd still recommend reading through Event Loop References and Context Vars. But if you think it's a bug or you're not sure what to do to fix it in your code, feel free to post an example to reproduce it.

victorteokw commented 7 months ago

Thanks @awestlake87, I cached task locals and the problem is fixed.

joepatol commented 3 months ago

Hi @awestlake87 i'm also facing this issue, could you provide some insight in where my understanding is wrong;

I have a rust pyfunction

fn run(py: Python, py_callable: Py<PyAny>) -> PyResult<()> {
    pyo3_asyncio::tokio::run(py, async move {
        let handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
            let future = Python::with_gil(|py| {
                let awaitable = py_callable.call1(py, ()).unwrap();
            let future_result = future.await.unwrap();
            println!("Got from future: {:?}", future_result);

fn my_module(_: Python<'_>, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
    m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(run, m)?)?;

And i'm calling it in python like so:

import my_module

async def foo() -> int:
    print("running Python")
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    print("Done in Python")
    return 3

if __name__ == "__main__":

Leading to the same RuntimeError "No running event loop"

I'm using: pyo3 = "0.20.0" pyo3-asyncio = "0.20.0" tokio = 1.13

Thanks for your help!