awiedemer / PRACS24_class_project

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Project Submission #3

Open awiedemer opened 2 months ago

awiedemer commented 2 months ago


See for submission notes. contains information about how to run each script. Each script is annotated more in detail with what is actually happening.

jelmerp commented 2 months ago
Aspect Max. points Your points
Technical content 3 3
Contextualization 3 3
Delivery 3 3
Clarity 3 3
Questions for others 3 1
Tuesday lunch special 1
total 15 14

Great presentation! Only some more questions for others would have been nice.

Final submission

Aspect Max. points Your points Comment
Project organization 4 2 Somewhat disorganized with e.g. many Slurm files and some dumped cores right in the project root dir, and no single results dir.
Project background and documentation 4 4
Good practices in scripts 4 2 See below.
Workflow reproducibility 4 2 See below.
Slurm jobs at OSC 3 3
Project/coding quality 3 3
Version control 3 3 Great job with granular commits!
total 25 19

Nice job! Just a somewhat mixed bag on the best practices and reproducibility fronts, with some really great commenting and reporting, for example, but also weaknesses: