awkward / beam

Beam: the open source Reddit client for iOS
GNU General Public License v2.0
269 stars 37 forks source link

The state of Beam #51

Open renssies opened 2 years ago

renssies commented 2 years ago

Some have noticed that the Beam app is no longer available in the app store. Here is why.

Awkward the company behind Beam (and my previous employer) closed down in April 2020. You can read more about it here:

We decided during the closure that the app would stay in the App Store, however the person responsible for the developer account forgot to pay the yearly fee and the app was pulled from the store. Bringing it back would require an update, which requires work because it needs to be built with the latest iOS SDK.

I personally wanted to keep Beam alive and vouched for it as well, however due to a number of unforeseen circumstances my free time to work on these kinds of projects is limited. At some point I would love to pick Beam back up, but Reddit is also changes at a rapid pace now, meaning that I might not be able to do so.

For now I'm trying to focus on keeping Tatsi, Trekker and Ocarina up to date, they are dependencies of Beam(ish) and are used by other projects as well.

If anyone wants to update the app for use with the iOS 14 SDK I would be happy to check and accept pull request and maybe get the app back in to the app store.