Hi again, I recently found this problem when I rise up the expiration time.
The problem also exists upstream using CLI, but I'm not sure if it is a bug or if its expected. In anycase, maybe the provider could omit the destroy if the key was used and is not reusable.
headscale_pre_auth_key.controller: Destroying... [id=26]
│ Error: Error deleting pre auth key
│ Could not expire key, unexpected error: [POST /api/v1/preauthkey/expire][500] HeadscaleService_ExpirePreAuthKey default &{Code:2 Details:[] Message:AuthKey has
│ already been used}
Hi again, I recently found this problem when I rise up the expiration time.
The problem also exists upstream using CLI, but I'm not sure if it is a bug or if its expected. In anycase, maybe the provider could omit the destroy if the key was used and is not reusable.