awnumar / memguard

Secure software enclave for storage of sensitive information in memory.
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Fixes windows and FreeBSD ci failures #159

Closed EthanHeilman closed 1 month ago

EthanHeilman commented 1 month ago

Fixes the two CI failures


Github Action for windows was failing because gcc was not installed on windows runner. This fixes this issue by installing mingw onto the windows runner, which will install gcc

Error that this fixes

C:\golang\src\\awnumar\memguard>call env CGO_ENABLED=1 go test -race -v ./... 
# runtime/cgo
cgo: C compiler "gcc" not found: exec: "gcc": executable file not found in %PATH%
FAIL [build failed]
FAIL [build failed]
FAIL [build failed]
FAIL [build failed]
FAIL [build failed]
?  [no test files]
?    [no test files]
FAIL [build failed]

An additional issue is that even though mingw (gcc) is installed. Golang can't find it, because the associated environment variables that go looks at to find gcc aren't set. We borrow the approach from:

Installing mingw to get gcc on the windows runner was suggested to me by chatgpt4.


FreeBSD was failing because the version of FreeBSD we were attempting to use was too old. This PR updates the runner from freebsd-12-2-release-amd64 to freebsd-14-0-release-amd64-ufs

It seems like that we will run into this problem again in a few years when freebsd-14-0-release-amd64-ufs becomes obsolete. I suppose we could use FreeBSD latest, worth thinking about.

awnumar commented 1 month ago

To avoid the problem, I think removing -race and CGO_ENABLED for windows would fix it

EthanHeilman commented 1 month ago

@awnumar I think it would fix it, but I've gotten -race running on windows before and I'm hoping if I can just get golang to see gcc, we should be good. Famous last words I know

The freebsd issue seems simple to fix as well. The package url just points to a version of FreeBSD that is no longer being hosted at that location: pkg: Not Found -->

awnumar commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the contribution. The echo you added isn't running because it fails in the install step, so try moving it before the crash

Might as well update the URL in this pr too?

EthanHeilman commented 1 month ago

Yeah, hopefully I can fix both windows and freebsd.

Any idea on why osx is failing in my PR

Edit: Nevermind, there is a data race

awnumar commented 1 month ago

There's a race condition with the GC when accessing finalizerCalled. A mutex or channel or atomic variable should fix it

EthanHeilman commented 1 month ago

@awnumar I had a debugging statement:

    - echo $PATH
    - refreshenv
    - echo $PATH

Can you delete it from the workflow? I don't want to confuse anyone who reads it in the future.

awnumar commented 1 month ago

Okay, I'll remove it.

Thanks for the work on discovering and fixing this.