awolf78 / KISS_OSD

(micro) minimOSD firmware for the KISS FC. With all the latest shenanigans.
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Yaw stick movrement #1

Closed fedorcomander closed 7 years ago

fedorcomander commented 7 years ago

While disarmed, move yaw to the right. Now you can select the batteries with roll and change the values with pitch.

How does it work for people with ARM-ON-YAW ?

awolf78 commented 7 years ago

I actually did try this since I only have a 6-channel radio. It doesn't work. I'm guessing Felix deactivated the feature. And I'm glad he did: Think about punching up and then throttle to min to get maximum hang time and then yaw like crazy - and then your copter disarms??? Sorry, but this is unsafe!!!

fedorcomander commented 7 years ago

Its actually works. I just checked. Arms and rearms with yaw command as usual. That why you need min_command... And there ARE people who actually using it, btw. ;) So, now when changing battery it will arm... ;) Safe hah?

awolf78 commented 7 years ago

How about this: If there is no ARM switch configured for AUX1-AUX4, I can assume the user is using ARM on yaw. I should be able to read this off the settings, which I just need to ask for a little earlier. Then I just disable the battery change feature on yaw right. Instead, the user needs to go into the menu to change his battery. I would add an extra entry.

Now you have a chance to be EXTRA helpful today :) You could tell me where to look for in the settings buffer :)

fedorcomander commented 7 years ago

Check my gui stuff. Its all there.

awolf78 commented 7 years ago

Looking at:

data.setUint8(73, obj.aux1Funk); data.setUint8(74, obj.aux2Funk); data.setUint8(75, obj.aux3Funk); data.setUint8(76, obj.aux4Funk);

So byte 73-76 contain the AUX1-4 settings. I am assuming: No Action = 0 High Arm = 1 Mid Arm = 2 Low Arm = 3


fedorcomander commented 7 years ago

Not exactly.

awolf78 commented 7 years ago

Ok, let's try the magic word: Please?

awolf78 commented 7 years ago

Never mind, I found it. 1, 12 and 13.

awolf78 commented 7 years ago

tested and updated in master