awonak / HagiwoModulove

Alternate firmware and scripts for Sync LFO & A-RYTH-MATIK eurorack modules.
MIT License
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Certainty - Visually show patterns for each seed #5

Open benjiao opened 11 months ago

benjiao commented 11 months ago

Hey @awonak,

It would be nice if there was a way to see which steps of a pattern were ON. Maybe mark the OFF ones as dots instead of squares them with a dot inside the squares ? This should make the seeds much more browseable, even without any voice plugged into it.

photo_2023-08-07_04-11-36 rotated

awonak commented 11 months ago

I like the idea of a "seed library". I wonder if there's a good way of showing the generated sequences for a given seed? I think the challenge is that there are 6 channels with up to 32 steps. That's a max of 192 trigger states to display! Perhaps I can find a few suggested seeds to display in a README? Or somehow make it easy to share good seeds with other folks.

I think the main goal here is to think about how to make seeds more browseable or discoverable. Let me think about that some more.

benjiao commented 11 months ago

Ohh you're right, I totally forgot about the 5 other channels. 😅 You could probably let the user pick which channel to view through the menu

benjiao commented 11 months ago

Braille!! One pixel for each, maybe?

awonak commented 11 months ago

This would be a major code refactor, or possibly a whole new firmware, but we could use braille as input for A-RYTH-MATIK trigger sequences! I love this idea, I think I'm going to make a new Braille firmware... Awesome suggestion!