aws-actions / amazon-ecs-render-task-definition

Inserts a container image URI into an Amazon ECS task definition JSON file.
MIT License
261 stars 138 forks source link

dynamic image change #214

Open garciaaldo opened 1 year ago

garciaaldo commented 1 year ago

I tried using amazon-ecr-login to get the image value, but I got the following error:


Run aws-actions/amazon-ecs-deploy-task-definition@v1
Warning: Ignoring property 'compatibilities' in the task definition file. This property is returned by the Amazon ECS DescribeTaskDefinition API and may be shown in the ECS console, but it is not a valid field when registering a new task definition. This field can be safely removed from your task definition file.
Warning: Ignoring property 'taskDefinitionArn' in the task definition file. This property is returned by the Amazon ECS DescribeTaskDefinition API and may be shown in the ECS console, but it is not a valid field when registering a new task definition. This field can be safely removed from your task definition file.
Warning: Ignoring property 'requiresAttributes' in the task definition file. This property is returned by the Amazon ECS DescribeTaskDefinition API and may be shown in the ECS console, but it is not a valid field when registering a new task definition. This field can be safely removed from your task definition file.
Warning: Ignoring property 'revision' in the task definition file. This property is returned by the Amazon ECS DescribeTaskDefinition API and may be shown in the ECS console, but it is not a valid field when registering a new task definition. This field can be safely removed from your task definition file.
Warning: Ignoring property 'status' in the task definition file. This property is returned by the Amazon ECS DescribeTaskDefinition API and may be shown in the ECS console, but it is not a valid field when registering a new task definition. This field can be safely removed from your task definition file.
Error: Failed to register task definition in ECS: Container.image contains invalid characters.
Error: Container.image contains invalid characters.

Code example

- name: Render Amazon ECS task definition\
          REGISTRY: ${{ steps.login-ecr.outputs.registry }}
          REPOSITORY: testrepository
          IMAGE_TAG: ${{ github.sha }}
        id: render-web-container
        uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecs-render-task-definition@v1
          task-definition: task-definition.json
          container-name: testcontainer
          environment-variables: "LOG_LEVEL=info"

      - name: Deploy to Amazon ECS service
        uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecs-deploy-task-definition@v1
          task-definition: ${{ steps.render-web-container.outputs.task-definition }}
philippbosch commented 1 year ago

I think your syntax for accessing the environment variables is incorrect.

Instead of this:


try this:

image: ${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ env.REPOSITORY }}:${{ env.IMAGE_TAG }}