// Put output below this line
// Amplify core dependency
implementation 'com.amplifyframework:core:1.35.2'
// Support for Java 8 features
coreLibraryDesugaring 'com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs:1.1.5'
// Amplify analytics
implementation 'com.amplifyframework:aws-analytics-pinpoint:1.35.2'
implementation 'com.amplifyframework:aws-auth-cognito:1.35.2'
// Amplify auth (Cognito)
implementation 'com.amplifyframework:aws-auth-cognito:1.35.2'
Environment information
# Put output below this line
Gradle 7.2
Build time: 2021-08-17 09:59:03 UTC
Revision: a773786b58bb28710e3dc96c4d1a7063628952ad
Kotlin: 1.5.21
Groovy: 3.0.8
Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.9 compiled on September 27 2020
JVM: 1.8.0_275 (AdoptOpenJDK 25.275-b01)
OS: Linux 5.4.0-109-generic amd64
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Describe the feature request
In the HubChannel class, it said "Apps can define their own channels for intra-app communication.":
* HubChannel represents the channels on which Amplify category messages will be dispatched.
* Apps can define their own channels for intra-app communication. Internally, Amplify uses the Hub
* for dispatching notifications about events associated with different categories.
public enum HubChannel {
But in the HubCategory.subscribe(@NonNull HubChannel hubChannel, @NonNull HubSubscriber hubSubscriber) method, the method only accepts the HubChannel enum. Which means we can not extend and define custom channels.
Could you please change the HubChannel to an interface instead of enum to make it extandable?
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Language and Async Model
Amplify Categories
Not applicable
Gradle script dependencies
Environment information
Please include any relevant guides or documentation you're referencing
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Describe the feature request
In the HubChannel class, it said "Apps can define their own channels for intra-app communication.":
But in the HubCategory.subscribe(@NonNull HubChannel hubChannel, @NonNull HubSubscriber hubSubscriber) method, the method only accepts the HubChannel enum. Which means we can not extend and define custom channels.
Could you please change the HubChannel to an interface instead of enum to make it extandable?
Initialization steps (if applicable)
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