aws-amplify / amplify-backend

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Reopening Request: Deployment branches missing/hidden since new Amplify UI #1646

Open sorabito-takeharu-umezaki opened 3 weeks ago

sorabito-takeharu-umezaki commented 3 weeks ago

Environment information

  OS: Linux 5.15 Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)
  CPU: (12) x64 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1230U
  Memory: 4.23 GB / 7.76 GB
  Shell: /bin/bash
  Node: 18.13.0 - ~/.asdf/installs/nodejs/18.13.0/bin/node
  Yarn: undefined - undefined
  npm: 8.19.3 - ~/.asdf/plugins/nodejs/shims/npm
  pnpm: 9.2.0 - ~/.asdf/shims/pnpm
NPM Packages:
  @aws-amplify/backend: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/backend-cli: Not Found
  aws-amplify: Not Found
  aws-cdk: Not Found
  aws-cdk-lib: Not Found
  typescript: Not Found
AWS environment variables:


Since the new Amplify UI, the branch (release/staging), which should be listed on the branch overview page at , is not displayed.

However, if we access the URL directly (amplify/apps/d24nx2m9l74e4j/branches/release%2Fstaging/deployments), the deployment screen is displayed and it's there.

We believe this is the same issue as the one described in the closed issue below, but it is still occurring in our environment. Reference: Closed issue link: Deployment branches missing/hidden since new Amplify UI #1469

We would appreciate it if you could revisit this issue and provide a resolution.

xManuel007 commented 3 weeks ago

Same here, I have to have 2 deployments, and it show only one, the most recent that I made like 2 days ago

Jay2113 commented 3 weeks ago

@sorabito-takeharu-umezaki 👋 , thanks for reaching out. Can you share the following information:

@xManuel007 are you observing a similar behavior where one of the connected branches is not listed/displayed in the Amplify console? If yes, can you share your Amplify app id and also the additionally requested information?

xManuel007 commented 2 weeks ago

@Jay2113 I have two deployments for two different projects, but only one is displayed. I can switch between them by using the direct link of the project that I found in my history. image

I realized that the projects are in different regions: one in us-east-2 and the other in us-east-1. However, about 1-2 weeks ago, both projects were in the same region and displayed on the same page. when amplify was Gen 1 image

Jay2113 commented 2 weeks ago

@xManuel007 can you share either of your app id's? Also, it is likely that your app could have been deleted from one of the regions and recreated in another region by a member of your team or org. To verify it, you can review the CreateApp and DeleteApp API events in CloudTrail.

sorabito-takeharu-umezaki commented 2 weeks ago


Screenshot of the branch overview page


Is the branch listed under the App settings > Branch settings page?

Yes it is. image

The app d24nx2m9l74e4j has 3 branches connected to it, is the release/staging branch the only branch which isn't listed/displayed in the console?

Yes. release/staging only.

Are you observing a similar behavior across different apps? If yes, can you share the impacted app ids?

No. App d24nx2m9l74e4j only.

Jay2113 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for sharing the screenshots @sorabito-takeharu-umezaki. We are investigating into it.

Jay2113 commented 1 week ago

Hi @sorabito-takeharu-umezaki, thanks for your continued cooperation. To expedite the troubleshooting process, we would like to setup a call with you. Can you share your availability via a DM on our community discord server?. My username is Jay Raval.