Open josefaidt opened 2 months ago
When bootstrapping an account and region with a custom permissions boundary, it would be nice if the boundary was applied to Amplify-created stacks and resources
cdk bootstrap --custom-permissions-boundary <iam-policy-name>
As a workaround, we can apply this manually to resources in the backend
import { defineBackend } from '@aws-amplify/backend'; import { auth } from './auth/resource'; import { data } from './data/resource'; import { Aspects, CfnResource, Stack } from "aws-cdk-lib"; import { IConstruct } from "constructs"; /** * @see to add storage, functions, and more */ const backend = defineBackend({ auth, data, }); const rootScope = Stack.of(backend.auth.resources.userPool).node.scope if (rootScope) { Aspects.of(rootScope).add({ visit(node: IConstruct) { if ( CfnResource.isCfnResource(node) && (node.cfnResourceType == 'AWS::IAM::Role' || node.cfnResourceType == 'AWS::IAM::User') ) { node.addPropertyOverride('PermissionsBoundary', 'arn:aws:iam::<REDACTED ACCOUNT ID>:policy/product-pb'); } }, }); }
Marking as feature request for further evaluation.
Environment information
When bootstrapping an account and region with a custom permissions boundary, it would be nice if the boundary was applied to Amplify-created stacks and resources
As a workaround, we can apply this manually to resources in the backend