aws-amplify / amplify-backend

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Update amplify framework setting after project creation #2062

Closed bogris closed 1 day ago

bogris commented 2 days ago

Environment information

  OS: macOS 15.0
  CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M1 Pro
  Memory: 158.39 MB / 16.00 GB
  Shell: /bin/zsh
  Node: 20.10.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.10.0/bin/node
  Yarn: undefined - undefined
  npm: 10.2.3 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.10.0/bin/npm
  pnpm: 8.9.0 - ~/.npm-packages/bin/pnpm
NPM Packages:
  @aws-amplify/auth-construct: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/backend: 1.0.4
  @aws-amplify/backend-auth: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/backend-cli: 1.2.2
  @aws-amplify/backend-data: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/backend-deployer: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/backend-function: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/backend-output-schemas: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/backend-output-storage: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/backend-secret: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/backend-storage: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/cli-core: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/client-config: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/deployed-backend-client: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/form-generator: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/model-generator: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/platform-core: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/plugin-types: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/sandbox: Not Found
  @aws-amplify/schema-generator: Not Found
  aws-amplify: 6.4.4
  aws-cdk: 2.151.0
  aws-cdk-lib: 2.151.0
  typescript: 5.5.3
AWS environment variables:
No CDK environment variables
npm notice
npm notice New minor version of npm available! 10.2.3 -> 10.8.3
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npm notice Run `npm install -g npm@10.8.3` to update!
npm notice
npm notice 
npm notice New minor version of npm available! 10.2.3 -> 10.8.3
npm notice Changelog:
npm notice Run npm install -g npm@10.8.3 to update!
npm notice

Describe the feature

The ability to set / change the project's framework after creation

Use case

I have a project where i started to use the backend only with FE hosted in Vercel (NextJS). When I created the amplify project, I did not specify a framework.

Now I would like to migrate it to amplify, but it seems that the FE build will not deploy the Next app. The build is successful.

I tried to update the platform trough cli

aws amplify update-app --app-id drw9d8qvfa2hh --platform WEB_COMPUTE

but now i get this error:

CustomerError: Failed to find the deploy-manifest.json file in the build output. Please verify that it exists within the "baseDirectory" specified in your buildSpec. If it's not there, we will also check the .amplify-hosting directory as a fallback. When using a framework adapter for hosting on Amplify, double-check that the adapter settings are correct.
bogris commented 1 day ago

the platform comand did the trick. The rest of the errors were due to misconfigurations in the amplify.yml file.

managed to solve them. This is not an issue anymore