aws-amplify / amplify-cli

The AWS Amplify CLI is a toolchain for simplifying serverless web and mobile development.
Apache License 2.0
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Issue with amplify cli when trying to merge changes from a git branch into a new amplify env #13809

Closed dwrynngs closed 3 months ago

dwrynngs commented 5 months ago

How did you install the Amplify CLI?


If applicable, what version of Node.js are you using?


Amplify CLI Version


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Did you make any manual changes to the cloud resources managed by Amplify? Please describe the changes made.

No manual changes made

Describe the bug

ran amplify status after merging in changes to a new amplify env as per the team environments docs. trying to add a feature to the new env ( a dynamodb table)

Bug report submitted with the following project id: 28784a7c3de959fea0ff45eaee68d6de

Expected behavior

expected the amplify status command to show that the dynamodb table needed to be created.

Reproduction steps

build a dev and stg env with a simple api. then add a dynmodb table into the dev and merge dev to stg. This is as per the docs at specifically the diagram

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 13 12 41

Project Identifier


Log output

``` # Put your logs below this line ```

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biller-aivy commented 5 months ago

Just checkout the staging env again after merge

ykethan commented 5 months ago

Hey, following up on this issue as suggested running amplify env checkout <existing-env-name> should hydrate the amplify-meta.json file. Do let us know if this does not mitigate the issue.

ykethan commented 3 months ago

Closing the issue due to inactivity. Do reach out to us if you are still experiencing this issue.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

This issue is now closed. Comments on closed issues are hard for our team to see. If you need more assistance, please open a new issue that references this one.