aws-amplify / amplify-flutter

A declarative library with an easy-to-use interface for building Flutter applications on AWS.
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Generated Models relationship ID fields missing #1564

Open Lorenzohidalgo opened 2 years ago

Lorenzohidalgo commented 2 years ago


The automatically generated Data Models are missing the relationship IDs.

schema.graphql example:

type NPartner @model @auth(rules: [{allow: private}]) {
  id: ID!
  pid: ID
  avatarKey: String
  name: String!
  description: AWSJSON!
  email: String!
  packs: [NTokenPack] @hasMany(indexName: "tokenPackByPartnerPID", fields: ["id"])

type NTokenPack @model @auth(rules: [{allow: private}]) {
  id: ID!
  pid: ID
  name: AWSJSON!
  description: AWSJSON!
  partner: NPartner @belongsTo(fields: ["partnerPID"])
  partnerPID: ID! @index(name: "tokenPackByPartnerPID", queryField: "tokenPackByPartnerPID")
  categories: [TokenCategory] @hasMany(indexName: "tokenCategoryByPackPID", fields: ["id"])

As defined by the schema, the NTokenPack model has the required field partnerPID.

The generated model has only the following variables available:

  static const classType = const _NTokenPackModelType();
  final String id;
  final String pid;
  final String avatarKey;
  final String name;
  final String description;
  final NPartner partner;
  final List<TokenCategory> categories;
  final TemporalDateTime createdAt;
  final TemporalDateTime updatedAt;

  const NTokenPack._internal(
      @required this.description,

This presents the following issues:

  1. The variable partnerPID is not present.
  2. The variable partner is present but not required.
  3. Therefore there is no "reliable" way of getting the id of the partner

Since it's not a one-to-one relationship, I won't be needing to query for the related partner every time. I would like to be able to access the partnerPID variable without having to declare/query for the whole partner model each time.


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Copy paste the example schema
  2. Deploy it
  3. Generate the Data Models


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Dart SDK 2.16.1
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bonusbank_app 0.1.5+43

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Jordan-Nelson commented 2 years ago

Hi @Lorenzohidalgo - Can you include the portion of your schema that defines TokenCategory?

The variable partner is present but not required

It looks like it is not required in the schema. If you want to make it required, you can update:

partner: NPartner @belongsTo(fields: ["partnerPID"])


partner: NPartner! @belongsTo(fields: ["partnerPID"])
Lorenzohidalgo commented 2 years ago

Hi @Jordan-Nelson,

the schema for TokenCategory is:

type TokenCategory @model @auth(rules: [{allow: private}]) {
  id: ID!
  pid: ID
  partnerPID: ID! @index(name: "tokenCategoryByPartnerPID", queryField: "tokenCategoryByPartnerPID")
  tokenPackPID: ID! @index(name: "tokenCategoryByPackPID", queryField: "tokenCategoryByPackPID")
  tokens: [NToken] @hasMany(indexName: "ntokenByCategoryPID", fields: ["id"])
  dbIcon: AWSJSON!
  name: AWSJSON!
  description: AWSJSON!
  action: AWSJSON
  valueType: ValueTypeEnum!
  color: String!

The issue here is that partnerPID is not present. I want partner to be nullable. Sorry if I didn't express it correctly.

Lorenzohidalgo commented 2 years ago

What I meant by:

  1. The variable partner is present but not required.
  2. Therefore there is no "reliable" way of getting the id of the partner

Is that with the currently generated model, I could end up creating an instance of NTokenPack with the missing partnerPID (which is required). I'm also unable to access the partnerPID variable if I don't query for the partner also.

The "fix" or expected behavior would be to include the partnerPID variable in the generated model. This is also the behaviour if I remove the @belongsTo(fields: ["partnerPID"]) statement.

fjnoyp commented 2 years ago

Hi @Lorenzohidalgo

  1. You need to mark partner as required in the schema.graphql if you want it to be required in the generated model. You've already done that for other fields with the !.
  2. Yes as the field is not required it is nullable so you can create a NTokenPack without a partner.

Once you've made the partner field required and you've created a NTokenPack with a partner, try querying for your NTokenPack. In the resulting model returned, the partner field should be filled. The fields of this partner field will be null but its id field will not be. That is the equivalent of the partnerPID variable you are trying to access.

Lorenzohidalgo commented 2 years ago

Hi @fjnoyp,

This doesn't solve the issue. I don't want to query for the partner every single time. I just need the generated model to have the partnerPID variable available.

Generating the model without the @belongsTo relationship does generate the model with the partnerPID variable.

Adding partner: NPartner @belongsTo(fields: ["partnerPID"]) to the model should only add the partner variable and not remove the partnerPID one.

Jordan-Nelson commented 2 years ago

Hi @Lorenzohidalgo - Sorry for the delayed response.

I am not sure why the @belongsTo directive removes the ID field. I can see if this is intentional, or possibly an oversight. As a work around, you may be able to make some updates to your schema to use the @hasOne directive. I believe the ID field would still be present with a schema such as the one below.

You can find more info about the hasOne directive in the docs here:

type Parent @model {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  childID: ID
  child: Child @hasOne(fields: ["childID"])

type Child @model {
  id: ID!
  name: String
Lorenzohidalgo commented 2 years ago

Hi @Jordan-Nelson,

The Docs state:

The @hasOne and @hasMany directives do not support referencing a model which then references the initial model via @hasOne or @hasMany if DataStore is enabled.

So I understand that the proposed workaround won't work.

Jordan-Nelson commented 2 years ago

@Lorenzohidalgo - Ah, I missed that this was a hasMany relationship. Apologies.

Jordan-Nelson commented 2 years ago

@Lorenzohidalgo - I had a missed a few things in your original issue description. Some notes below.

The variable partnerPID is not present The variable partner is present but not required

If you have fetched nTokenPack via Amplify.DataStore.query(), you should be able to access this via nTokenPack.partner!.id. The parent (partner) should always be eagerly loaded in a hasMany <-> belongsTo relationship, meaning that if nTokenPack is fetched with DataStore, it should include partner.

Can you confirm that partner is present when nTokenPack is fetched via datastore operations, and that the partner ID can be accessed via nTokenPack.partner!.id?

In older versions of DataStore, the associated model was not automatically loaded. partner would have had to be fetched manually. I believe this is the reason why partner is present but not required in the generated model. Having to cast this is definitely a sub-optimal developer experience though.

We have an issue open to track developer experience improvements around associated models ( The improvements being tracked by that issue will likely cover this. The generated model could potentially be updated to make associated model non-null until as a short term fix until 1449 is picked up. I think we can keep this issue open as a separate request to look into a short term to improvement.

Jordan-Nelson commented 2 years ago

The parent (partner) should always be eagerly loaded in a hasMany <-> belongsTo relationship

I wanted to add a clarification here, the parent will always be loaded, assuming the parent exists. So, unless you are sure the parent exists, I would access the parent ID via nTokenPack.partner?.id.

Jordan-Nelson commented 2 years ago

If the parent ID were added to the model, it would have to be optional since the relationship is not required in the schema. So I think nTokenPack.partner?.id would be a sufficient replacement for what you were originally looking for - nTokenPack.partnerID.

I would have to confirm, but I think partner would be non-null if the schema was updated to be required, but it sounds like you do not want it to be required.

Does using nTokenPack.partner?.id work for your use case?

Jordan-Nelson commented 2 years ago

I see you are using API, not DataStore. I had thought you were using DataStore. The schema and generated models are used for both. Most of what I said above was specific to DataStore.

Jordan-Nelson commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the confusion. I was having a hard time understanding what you are trying to do since I thought this was for DataStore.

I'm going to mark this as a feature request since there isn't currently a way access the nested model ID without creating the full nested model as you had stated.

TheWhiteShade commented 2 years ago

Jordan-Nelson.Still waiting for your update.

Jordan-Nelson commented 2 years ago

Hello @TheWhiteShade - I don't have an update on this feature request at the moment.

cjsilva-umich commented 11 months ago

Anyone have any workarounds for this? Why is the id field missing?